This month, Jon’s article, Questioning … Myself, is featured in the Denha & Associates, PLLC Blog.
I recently had to do a Q & A for the promotion of my business book, The Think Big Movement. It was an interesting exercise that really made me think, so I’d thought I’d share some of it here in my blog.
You may want to ask yourself some of these questions, and your own answers may surprise you!
Q: What do you wish you could have told yourself at age 20? Age 30?
Jon Dwoskin: I would have counseled my 20-year-old self to have more balance in my life. When you are young, you want to do so much and prove yourself. I put a lot on hold when it came to just “hanging out” and taking some downtime. I worked to burn out and didn’t do enough fun stuff. So, I would tell my younger self to have more balance and everything will work out as it is supposed to, and that you need that time to refuel so you can be sharper and work smarter, not just harder.
At age 30, I’d tell myself the same thing. LOL.