To Brand Smartly, Be a Transcender

Branding smartly takes more than just creating a brand and following the traditional methods of using it in your business. Your brand is more than your logo or your marketing materials. Your brand is what people think and say about you when you leave the room. Too...

How Business Growth is Tied to a Willingness to Change

Change can be hard, especially in business. Adaptability and the right perspective are key to leading your business through change in order to grow. Too often, complacency leads to practices that keep us comfortable but stagnant.  “We’ve always done it this way” can...

The Secrets of Being an Inspiring Leader in Tough Times

The type of leader you are will determine the type of business you have. Your leadership approach will determine the culture of your business from the top down, so it is imperative to lead through inspiration. When business is good, it can be easier to lead. A true...

How to Know When Your Business Strategy Just Isn’t Working

Sometimes the best laid plans don’t hold up when they meet reality. When this happens, it can be tough to determine next steps, and often we’re left forcing a round peg into a square hole. As we have come through some of the most challenging times in recent memory, a...