Coffee with Jon: Your Unique Superpower

In Chapter 8 of The Think Big Movement, titled “Unique Superpower,” Jacob discovers the importance of identifying and leveraging his unique strengths. He learns that everyone has a distinct skill or ability—their “superpower”—that can drive transformative results when...

Coffee with Jon: Trust Your Gut

In Chapter 7 of The Think Big Movement, titled “Trust Your Gut,” Jacob wrestles with a challenge many leaders face: the tension between data-driven decisions and following intuition. While logic and analysis have their place, Jacob learns the value of trusting his...

Coffee with Jon: The Epiphany

In Chapter 6 of The Think Big Movement, titled “The Epiphany,” Jacob experiences a powerful breakthrough: to drive real growth, he must change from the inside out. He realizes that expanding his business means embracing new ways of thinking, including...

Coffee with Jon: Balance

In Chapter 5 of The Think Big Movement, Jacob learns a crucial lesson from his mentor: true success requires balance. The mentor shares how prioritizing balance not only boosted his business success but also brought joy and fulfillment to his life—a powerful reminder...

Coffee with Jon: Finding Your Passion

In Chapter 4 of The Think Big Movement, Jacob confronts a powerful truth: passion is the backbone of both personal fulfillment and business success. Despite his accomplishments, Jacob realizes he’s lost his joy in his work. Through a conversation with a mentor, he...

Coffee with Jon: When the Student is Ready

In Chapter 3 of The Think Big Movement, titled “When the Student is Ready,” the character Jacob encounters mentors who help him see that meaningful business growth starts with internal change. The lesson here is clear: sometimes, breaking through business challenges...