Jon Dwoskin’s 90-Day
Sales Coaching Experience

Get unstuck. Take action. Grow your pipeline.

This innovative online sales course will provide you with sales tools, tips, success secrets, and more, to immediately grow your pipeline, revenue, and business.

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Perfect for Sales People:

Stop struggling with little support!
Build the habits needed to grow your pipeline!

This coaching experience includes:

  • Tools for building a steady sales pipeline
  • Strategies to make more money consistently
  • Next-step guidance and accountability
  • Mentorship to get you fired up and guide your sales to the next level!
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Perfect for Sales Team Leaders:

Learn to influence your sales people!
Get your team building the habits they need to grow their business!

This training will provide you with:

  • Insight to get your sales team fired up and producing
  • Strategies to keep your team’s pipeline flowing
  • Best practices for closing more deals
  • An empowered, accountable mindset
  • Proven tools to grow their – and your – business!

Use code EXC50STUCK for 50%
through 12/31/2023.

During my 90 days on your program, I actually doubled my pipeline of real estate listings, completed one new deal, developed web infrastructure and added many new clients.


Since beginning our engagement with you, our sales leadership is laser- focused on clear expectations, accountability and coaching to help the sales team hit and exceed their goals.


President of a Forbes Top 25 Company


Everything is attainable, bite-sized and designed to keep you consistent — the ultimate key to sales growth.

Program starts on Sunday after you sign up. Emails are delivered on a weekly schedule (Sun/Wed/Fri).


Weekly Sales Workout

Each Friday, you’ll get a new set of daily tasks for the following week. These tasks include talking points, activities to increase your pipeline and insight that will boost your confidence on the phone or in person.

Sneak peek of workout

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Friday Weekly Activity Tracking Workbook

Each Friday, you will receive your Weekly Activity Tracking Workbook for the upcoming week. This makes it easy for you to prioritize, track and grow your pipeline and business, and measure your activity for consistent growth.

Sneak peek of workbook


Monthly Think Big Sales Newsletter

Each month you’ll receive Jon’s 5 Tips to Ignite Your Pipeline and Business along with Jon’s favorite podcast, book, quote, product and riddle of the month sent directly to your inbox. An engaging, motivating read to drive results.

Sneak peek of the Think Big Newsletter

Bi-Monthly Sales Workshops

A three-minute video workshop and custom worksheet created by Jon provides relevant ways for you to immediately grow your pipeline and business. In subsequent weeks, you’ll receive follow-up emails to make sure you’re implementing these time-proven strategies. Here are some examples.

Sneak peek of Worksheet


Inspiring Sunday Sales Starter

Start your week inspired! Get pumped for the week ahead with an empowering and encouraging story or message sent to your inbox every Sunday.

Use code EXC50STUCK for 50%
through 12/31/2023.

PLUS, You’ll Get the Following Valuable
Sales Growth Bonuses:

BONUS #1: Guest Spot on Jon’s Podcast THINK Business LIVE
Promote your business to Jon’s audience during your prescheduled LIVE interview on Jon’s THINK Business LIVE podcast. This episode will also serve as a valuable promotional piece you can use on your website, in your podcast stream, on your social media or email marketing and more!

The Think Big Movement is a business parable filled with invaluable insight on how to grow your business. It gives you the tools, best practices and step-by-step guidance you’ve been craving to move your business forward, at any stage in its growth. The result? Your business soars to new heights.

BONUS #3: Jon’s eBook: How to THINK BIG
This eBook provides simple solutions for rapidly growing your business and kickstarting your business growth. It provides new strategies to increase sales, grow your bottom line and enhance your client relationships.

BONUS #4: Jon’s eBook: Growing a Thriving Sales Team
Build a sales team that consistently crushes their goals with proven strategies for recruiting, training, and motivating top-performing salespeople.

Bonus #5: Jon’s eBook: How to Think Like a CEO
Reexamine the fundamentals of what it means to be a CEO with ideas and strategies to bring clarity to your next business decision, assist you in finding where you’re wasting time and help you continue to grow for the ages.

Use code EXC50STUCK for 50%
through 12/31/2023.

90-Day Turnaround:

Jon Dwoskin’s Sales Coaching Experience

Get unstuck. Take action. Grow your pipeline.

A product of Think Big Sales University

It’s common to hit the gym for a physical workout, but every sales person’s business needs a disciplined workout too!

Get expert guidance to grow your pipeline and provide the accountability you need to grow your business.

Delivered to you directly via email, Jon Dwoskin’s Sales Coaching Experience strengthens and revitalizes every aspect of a sales person’s business.

With proven sales tools, tips, success secrets, and more, this innovative program with put you on the right track and keep you there with next step guidance and easy-to-follow daily tasks to immediately grow your pipeline, revenue, and business.

Think of it as a high-powered sales university – without the boring lectures.

Use code EXC50STUCK for 50%
through 12/31/2023.

“During my 120 days on your program, I actually doubled my pipeline of real estate listings, completed one new deal, developed web infrastructure and added many new clients. I’m sure even more success from the program will be apparent with time. Thanks for all the help. I’m sure I will be making another investment in my business growth sometime very soon.”



“Being in sales for 10yrs, I have been great at building relationships by making the calls, networking, and taking prospective clients out to lunch BUT my shortfall has been getting from the meetings to winning the deals. Being a tough critic on myself, I would say my sales success has been mediocre however I would judge my relationships in my business as superior.

Jon Dwoskin has enabled me to refocus from getting to the meeting to competing on the deal by improving my soft skills specifically in slowing down and being sequential in my communication.

In just 3 months of working together I have gained the trust of two very large prospective clients that I have been targeting for 4+ years enabling me to compete on $150-Million in new business opportunities for 2024 alone.

Jon’s individual approach in tweaking my strengths and working on my weaknesses has really shifted my communication which has produced results. I wish I had found his services sooner as I learn from the experience of others.”

Stephan, Director

“Thanks for a great experience and help with jump-starting my career.

It has been a fun journey so far and can’t thank you enough for the motivation and tools along the way.

Thank you!”

Derek, Investment Advisor

“I have had a successful year in real estate, but as I look at my ‘pipeline’ I see that I need to get busy!  Last week I attended the Michigan Realtor conference and the best breakout session by far was Jon Dwoskin’s  “Double your Business Today.”  Jon challenged us to work intentionally and gave practical steps and ideas to grow our business.  I am anxious to get going with his 90-Day Kickstart program!”


Bridget, Realtor

“As a seasoned salesperson, Think Big Sales University has been the game changer I have been looking for to grow my pipeline and business. Jon’s weekly sales menus keep me consistent in business development and always knowing what to do and say next with my clients. I can’t imagine my business without TBSU! “


Tom, Real Estate Salesperson

“TBSU keeps me in the business development game by telling me what to do and say each day to grow my business!”


Frank, Financial Planner