Jon Dwoskin Headshot


Time Management


“The purpose of time is to learn how to use time.”

Jon Dwoskin Headshot


Time Management


“The purpose of time is to learn how to use time.”

Frustrated that you have no time?

You do. I’ll show you!

Jon’s Time Management workshops will give you 1-2 hours/day of your time back!

What if you could save
16 minutes a day?

That would equal almost
100 hours per year.

Just think what you could accomplish by uncovering that kind of hidden time in your schedule.



Is your day running you or you running your day?

Looking to DOUBLE your business?

Time to get Unstuck!

Walk away with tips, tools and techniques you can put immediately into your business and life. You’ll learn new ways to use your calendar, pipeline, CRM, Notes, to-do lists and scratch paper so you can get to in-box zero.

The result: More time, less stress, more productively and more fun!



Do you have any idea how much time you and those you manage waste each day?

Do you know how to really effectively communicate with your team and get each person to their highest potential?

It’s time to get you and your team Unstuck!

You and your team will learn how to own, protect and control your precious time to become more energized, creative and productive.

Walk away with tips, tools and techniques you can put immediately into your business and life. You’ll learn new ways to use your calendar, pipeline, CRM, Notes, to-do lists and scratch paper so you can get to in-box zero.

The result: More time, less stress, more productively and more fun!

Walk away knowing how to:

  • Maximize every minute
  • Become a master of your calendar
  • Get to inbox zero,
  • Use your CRM, pipeline, to-do list and notes to maximize your days
  • Increase productivity
  • Find the time you need to grow your business
  • Find more personal time in your day

Get to Inbox Zero

Are you constantly buried under an overflowing inbox of emails?

How much time are these emails taking away from your day? How much stress do they add to you life?

Imagine if you could get to Inbox Zero every day.

Learn how to get to inbox zero and dominate time management to maximize your leadership, sales and entire company. Gain access to priceless tools and techniques that teach you how to become a master of your calendar, understand how to best use your pipeline, CRM, Notes app, and organize your email to a zero inbox.

Hire Jon for a transformative Time Management workshop/training today!

248.535.7796 | [email protected]

The average person is distracted every 40 seconds at their computer. It takes more than 20 minutes to refocus once we’ve been completely distracted.


When we’re distracted or not managing our time effectively, 41% of the time we will not return to the task we were working on until later.


Only 77% of the time will we return that task the same day and more redundant work was found. The more we’re interrupted at a task, the harder we have to work to come back to it.

Mark, Gonzalez and Harris, 2005

Jonathan Dwoskin held a workshop on “The Ultimate Time Management Training” for 30 of the CEO’s that I coach and mentor to become more effective at leading their companies.

The workshop was rated superior by the CEO’s because they took away actionable items that will save them time daily, and help to focus their lives on critical items and apportion their time accordingly.

I recommend Jon for new insights to this age old problem of not enough time to get the right things done.

Robert H. Holland, Ph.D., Chairman, Vistage Michigan

Hire Jon for a transformative  Time Management workshop/training today!

248.535.7796 | [email protected]

Jon was an amazing speaker that gave us all concrete and actionable things to work on!

Of the 100 attendees, nobody left the room or so much as looked at their phone for the two hours- Jon had the room’s attention from the start- not an easy thing to do with such a diverse group!

We want to have Jon back again!

Michael Todasco,
Director of Innovation at PayPal

Since I started working with Jon, I have become much more organized, efficient, and focused. He has helped me establish a more efficient workflow and has made me more conscious of how I am spending my time down to the minute of each day.

Every week, I learn new tips and strategies to implement into my routine.

Our last 15-minute call made me at least
$500k in potential commissions.

Charles, Sales Associate

Hire Jon for a transformative Time Management workshop/training today!

248.535.7796 | [email protected]

Listen to Jon’s 10-Part Time Management Tip Series

You have more time than you think

Manage these 2 things to grow your business!

How much time do you really have

Think of time THIS way

Albert Einstein did this… so should you!

Your calendar can be this

How to work 2 years in 1

Master this and you are GOLDEN!

The importance of Routines!

A must-read book to build your positive habits!

Do the math:

Saving 1 hour/day
20 hours/month
240 hours/year

That’s 6-weeks!

What can you do with 6 extra weeks of time?

Now multiply that by everyone in your company and realize the wealth of time possibilities within your reach!


Jon’s 4-hour in-person Time Management Workshop


Jon’s 8-hour in-person Time Management Workshop


Jon’s 1-2-hour in-person or virtual Time Management Workshop


Jon's Recent Posts

Check out more: Podcasts, Blogs, and Video Business Tips


THINK Business LIVE: Jon Dwoskin Talks with John Horn

THINK Business LIVE: Jon Dwoskin Talks with John Horn

           John Horn is the CEO of StubGroup, a digital advertising agency and a premier Google ad agency. Subgroup has helped over 2000 clients, across 15k campaigns, with their paid ads and suspension issues....

“I walked away with a multitude of tools that will exponentially improve my time management skills.”

Eric, Senior Communications Strategist

“Jon is a phenomenal coach and mentor. Always available and happy to answer questions no matter what. There is no nonsense with him, and all interactions are sincere and straightforward. He pushes individuals towards greatness by mentally arming them to overcome any obstacles in their way. In my case, he mentally armed me to simply get out of my own way. As a result, my business has grown significantly. Thanks, Jon.


“Jon Dwoskin’s in-person workshop was a practical course that left me with specific objectives to work on. Even in a room of industry elites making millions of dollars a year, we immediately leaned in and recognized that Jon had practical feedback to teach us and we wanted to listen.”

“Jon’s 3 hour workshop brought real clarity to our thinking on the value of our time. Jon’s simple tools are making an immediate impact in helping our company’s leaders grow their timespan.”

Chris C.
Vice President & General Counsel at Terminal Supply Company

“I have taken several time management courses over the years and not one can compare to Jon’s. Jon is very engaging with a simplified process that is easy to implement and will increase you and your team’s efficiency. I have used a few tools that I learned to increase my personal productivity. A quick glance of my calendar and I can visually see how much time I am dedicating to growing my business. This has been a game changer when it comes to scheduling my day and ensuring every minute is used wisely.”

Kristen P.
Private Wealth Advisor – Vice President