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TheThink Big Movement Book Cover
Workbook: The Think Big Movement in Action

The Think Big Movement

Grow your business big. Very Big!

By Jon Dwoskin
with A.J. Reilly

PLUS! The Companion Workbook

THINK BIG in Action

Get Your FREE Copy of The Think Big Movement!

I am so confident my book will help you grow your business that I want you to have it for free.

You’ll receive the eBook edition so you can get started right away
on your journey to start small, take action and Think BIG!

You’ll also receive the companion workbook THINK BIG in Action
filled with exercises and insights to empower meaningful growth
in your business and personal life.

As a bonus, you’ll also receive my eBook, How to THINK BIG!
And receive my Update Newsletter, Get Unstuck!

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Looking for the next step to grow your business BIG? 

Put the ideas and tools from my books into action in your business so you can get UNSTUCK and reach your business goals FASTER!

Jon Dwoskin discussing The Think Big Movement at the Jewish Community Center of Metro Detroit’s 66th Annual Jewish Book Fair

ABC News Live Interview: Jon’s interview starts ~2:30 (From International New York Book Expo 2017)

The Think Big Movement is a business parable filled with invaluable insight on how to grow your business. It gives you the tools, best practices and step-by-step guidance you’ve been craving to move your business forward, at any stage in its growth. The result? Your business soars to new heights.

Follow Jacob, the main character in this business book told as a parable, as he experiences the ups and downs of business like most business owners. He discovers a mentor in Marc Gardner, a wildly successful, humble man who built a thriving dental practice using true grit and tenacity. He takes Jacob under his wing and leads him down the path of, not only what success means, but how to achieve it, maintain it and grow it. As Jacob grows as a business man and as a human being, he begins to realize that the one thing he never realized is the secret sauce of every company in the world. Marc and Jacob, as well as the other characters, are reflections of not only the reader, but all businesspeople everywhere.

Many businesspeople experience the obstacles of inconsistency and understand the compound, negative effect they have on their business. The Think Big Movement teaches you, inspires you and structures your mindset to dramatically shift your paradigm. By crushing the obstacles holding you back and re-learning the value of consistency, you will see, feel, and experience BIG results in your business. Like Jacob, you will have your own incredible epiphanies about growing your business big. Very BIG!

Get ready to start small, take action and Think BIG!

Read more about the author, Jon Dwoskin.

The Think Big Movement Podcast

In this podcast, Jon Dwoskin, Executive Advisor and Business Coach takes his book, The Think Big Movement, to the next level by interviewing successful business owners, executives and top sales people.

TheThink Big Movement Book Cover
Jon Dwoskin at Book Expo - 2017

Robert Kiyosaki,
Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad

Jon Dwoskin at Book Expo - 2017

Don Carey, Detroit Lion Safety
Author of It’s Not Because I’m Better Than You!

Coffee with Jon: The THINK BIG Movement Series

Watch all episodes on YouTube

Coffee with Jon: Trust Your Gut

Coffee with Jon: Trust Your Gut

In Chapter 7 of The Think Big Movement, titled “Trust Your Gut,” Jacob wrestles with a challenge many leaders face: the tension between data-driven...

Sampling of The Think Big Movement Book Reviews


In “The Think Big Movement”, readers will follow Jacob, the main character in this business book told as a fable, as he experiences the ups and downs of business like most business owners. He discovers a mentor in Marc Gardner, a wildly successful, humble man who built a thriving dental practice using true grit and tenacity. Marc takes Jacob under his wing and leads him down the path of, not only what success means, but how to achieve it, maintain it and grow it. As Jacob grows as a business man and as a human being, he begins to realize that the one thing he never realized is the secret sauce of every company in the world. “The Think Big Movement” is a unique, impressively written, accessibly organized, instructional guide filled from cover to cover with invaluable insight on how to grow a business. It gives entrepreneurs the tools, best practices and step-by-step guidance vital for moving a business forward, at any stage in its growth. Real world practical, inspiring, effective, and one of the most entertaining approaches to business education, “The Think Big Movement” is unreservedly recommended for personal reading lists, as well as community and academic library Business Management collections and supplemental studies lists.

James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief

Wisconsin Bookwatch: September 2017

I’m a huge fan of reading when a book can suck you in by the end of the first chapter. I’ve started a few business books, but they are so stale, it’s hard to push on. The Think Big Movement was NOT one of those books. Not only is the author a truly awesome guy, but he’s also been coaching me for months now and I couldn’t say enough good things about him. Anyone looking to reignite the flame or refocus their career and business plan should get their hands on this book NOW. It’s hard to put down and filled with tools, tips and advice to put into play right away for your career in real estate or anywhere else. Hope this adds some value to your day and you enjoy it as much as I did.

Nicolas Petrucci

For the past 10 years, I’ve been starting/growing businesses… and, this book spoke to me. I felt like I was living through the trials and tribulations myself. The simplistic way Jon wrote about very complicated issues broke down the process of struggling into achievable sections. A lot of what was written gave me the confidence of understanding that the adversities I face are normal, and if you build the right team… no goal is impossible. I’ve already re-read my notes and highlights twice. It’s one of those books that you can continue to learn from throughout your time in business because our perspective on growth is constantly changing.

Jay Mentzel

The Think Big Movement is a gripping tale. This is true in the way that it takes you into the center of those being helped and makes you feel their struggles, their emotions, and their shortcomings. With substantial business advice along the way, the reader leaves the pages with a sense of understanding of their own misgivings in the business realm. It’s a brilliant tale that can be read in a single day. Written like fiction, brilliant advice like non-fiction, this is destined to be a bestseller. If you are struggling to find your place in the world, have lost touch with your passion, or need a helping hand, this is the book for you! 5 stars.

Jennifer S.

The Think Big Movement is a fresh change from the typical “how to” business book. I could related to all the characters in the story format and couldn’t wait to find out how Jacob would tackle his next challenge. The lessons learned in this book are memorable and are going to help me get to the next level in my business.

Karen Larson

What a great concept, a business book written as a fable. A perfect break from the usual books I read about business and entrepreneurship , not only do you have a great story, but you also learn some great business lessons. I found myself highlighting many sections of the book that I plan to put to use immediately. How often do you a read business book that also focuses on work-life balance?

I’m fortunate to have known Jon my whole life. He carries with him a certain wisdom that he has always been willing to share and lift others up. This book is an amazing reflection of his open willingness to share his ideas and insights to help other people reach their true potential in life.

Jeff Dwoskin

If you’re in business, consider this an essential tool in your business development toolkit.

Daniel Findling

This book is amazing and offers incredible insights on how to grow your business the right way. Such a brilliant business mind and it shows throughout the book. This book delivers for any business owner out there looking to grow!

Great read for any business owner!

Jon Dwoskin gives a great road map from stuck to success in this amazing book with a unique twist.

Experiencing the growth of a business and businessman as a fable is a great way to make the lesson stick.

The lessons laid out here take you from stuck to successful without talking down to you or resorting to insider lingo. You can tell Dwoskin walks the walk. This is obviously not a “Those who can’t do, teach” kind of book. He’s been there before and shows the reader how to find success as well.

I’m a Big Thinker now!

S. Fishman

“He was having trouble wrapping his mind around the fact that HE was the trouble. How had he become THAT guy? The same guy he always vowed he would never become. The same guy he would judge and criticize at his old companies.” Is there anyone who doesn’t recognize themselves in those sentences? The Think Big Movement is packed with those “aha!” moments as Jon Dwoskin skillfully dispenses tools, best practices and strategies to get unstuck, get ahead and Think Big!

J. Wiswell

The Think Big Movement is an incredible book. It helped me to define the areas in which I need to grow in order to make sure that I can lead my team to success. The journey of the main character is compelling and full of insight. I would recommend The Think Big Movement to anyone who wants to grow as a leader within their field.

Could not put this down once I started reading. The format is not typical for a business book. Instead it has an engaging story with business and life tips intertwined throughout. EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS!!

I was engaged and inspired by this book right from the start. It provides great insight into how to move forward and excel in business with purpose and passion. It breathes life into that desire many of us have in our businesses but don’t know the right steps to take.

Anyone who has felt stuck and longed for more in business can genuinely identify with the characters in this book. Their paths toward success provide the life- and business-altering inspiration and perspective necessary to break through the barriers to achieve great success and fulfillment.


Personal energy, effort, and charisma from a founding owner is often all that’s needed to get a company off the ground and reach initial profitability. Unfortunately, companies created using this formula often plateau, and begin to regress, because energy, effort, and charisma are not the only traits needed to grow a business very big. I found this book to be an exceptional fable of how to make the transition from a small start-up to a larger, more established company. It’s a quick read, and quite impactful.

Frank B.

Jon Dwoskin’s “The Think Big Movement” breaks the typical business book mold. True to his own advice, the author approaches the topic of improving, growing & sustaining your business (or career) from a different angle. A great read for any business professional or leader who has had some success, but wonders what’s next?

Steven A. Miscavishon

Fantastic book! There lots of great lessons some, you will learn some new things and be reminded of some important ones oyu may have forgotten. But most important it grabs your attention because it is told in a story that makes it a fast read.

Mark Delton

Jon is the real deal, whether you are reading his Thinking Big system or listening to his podcast, Jon share real advice, actionable tips and is hard core into helping you grow your business BIG!

Doug Sandler

This book will help the reader gain an incredible insight on how human we are and at the same time pick up business insights from an expert executive business coach. Jon Dwoskin does a great job presenting business advice and education in an engaging book format. Loved the book.

Ash Seddeek

Brilliant story and motivational at the same time. An eye opener and an inspiration of how to look at managing a business in a different light. Definite must read for all persons!! Buy it now.

Not many business books draw you into a story that delivers “a-ha” moments about your own situation. This book does just that. An entirely rewarding experience.

If you are looking for more fulfillment from your business, your job, or just about anything else that is important, this book is definitely for you.

Tom G

Inspirational and thought provoking. This book definitely moves you to think about the changes and possibilities that exist in your own company. Definitely recommend for those seeking change.

Jeffrey Katkowsky

Lots to think about and to inspire change.

M Stark

Really enjoyed this book. It was a great read with many things that could easily be applied to my personal situation.

Dwoskin’s perspective is spot on!! I would recommend this book to anyone looking to improve themselves and their business.

Jeff Gunsberg

Creative, original and informative, Jon’s work is packed with incredible pearls of wisdom. Infused with energy and passion his mix of storytelling and teaching draws you in, entertains and makes you forget that you are learning along the way. A clear representation of his approach to coaching and thinking big, Jon’s book is about much more than business alone. It is about living life to its fullest potential.

Alex Hirsh

Five Stars, excellent read outside the box business manual. Giving you all the keys to take a successful business to that next level in easy to ready story telling format.

Anthony Hardy

Once I started reading I could not put in down. In this fable he not only shows a path for success but also brings his real life experiences to get you emotionally attached to the success of the company. This is a business book that also inspires life balance, priorities and what true success is all about.

I recommend any new and seasoned business owners to read this book. Entrepreneurs will get something out of the book to help their journey. The Quotes at the beginning of each chapter are also a great addition.

“If you don’t know where you want to be in 5 years, you are already there!”

Richard Simtob

Personal energy, effort, and charisma from a founding owner is often all that’s needed to get a company off the ground and reach initial profitability. Unfortunately, companies created using this formula often plateau, and begin to regress, because energy, effort, and charisma are not the only traits needed to grow a business very big. I found this book to be an exceptional fable of how to make the transition from a small start-up to a larger, more established company. It’s a quick read, and quite impactful.

Frank B.

ABC News Live Interview and photos from BookExpo 2017 in New York

My interview starts ~2:30
(From International New York Book Expo 2017)