Jon Dwoskin Featured in Forbes.com Article: Facing Death Gave This Entrepreneur the Courage to Start the Business of His Dreams by Paul Spiegelman, Co-Founder of the Small Giants Community
Paul Spiegelman shares the details of Jon’s path to success and the obstacles that shaped his outlook on life and business in this article on Forbes.com.
“When Jon Dwoskin was 18 years old and preparing to start college, his father gave him a set of Brian Tracy tapes on the psychology of success. He told Jon, “I know you’ll do well in college, but I think you’ll get more from these tapes than you’ll ever learn in school.” Jon took his father’s advice and made it through the entire set of tapes in a day. The experience completely changed his perspective.”
“I can’t explain it,” says Jon. “It’s just something that’s in me. I do what I do because I love it; I’m obsessed with it. When you really love what you do, you want to share it with the world.”