Helping Women to Break the Glass Ceiling
Before becoming a certified coach and NLP Practitioner, Lisa spent 25 years climbing the corporate ladder in the Entertainment Industry. The last 15 years were in Sports Television; a fast paced, unbalanced, unforgiving environment. Lisa had to own her expertise and communicate her talent without appearing ‘pushy’. She had to lead and be assertive without being labeled aggressive, bossy or bitchy. Lisa was often the only woman at the table, and usually the only executive with the knowledge, authority and ability to make decisions. And then 3 years after getting her SVP title, Lisa hit the glass ceiling, so she began actively advocating, mentoring, sponsoring and educating in support of women’s career advancement.
Lisa’s company, BIG SKY Coaching & Consulting, is a natural progression of her desire to guide more women into the ranks of leadership.
Connect with Jon Dwoskin:
Twitter: @jdwoskin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jonathan.dwoskin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thejondwoskinexperience/
Website: https://jondwoskin.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jondwoskin/
Email: [email protected]
Get Jon’s Book: The Think Big Movement: Grow your business big. Very Big!
Connect with Lisa Gillette:
Website: https://bigsky.coach
Facebook: @BIGSKYCoach.lisagillette
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/lisa-gillette
Instagram: bigsky_lisa_gillette
*E – explicit language may be used in this podcast.