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Jon and Jorin discuss overcoming family tension during COVID-19.

Jorin Rubin brings to her practice a wealth of experience in both family and criminal law.

Beginning in New York in the United States Attorney’s Office in 1991, Jorin worked in the civil division and represented the government in tort, social security, employment discrimination and forfeiture matters. A move to the Detroit United States Attorney’s Office offered Jorin the opportunity to prosecute civil and criminal forfeiture actions. A successful high-profile criminal trial involving $15 million in fraud and money laundering earned her the highest honor that can be awarded to an Assistant US Attorney: the Department of Justice Director’s Award for Superior Performance. Today, Jorin’s knowledge of criminal and civil forfeiture is unparalleled in the State of Michigan.

After leaving the government and entering the private sector, Jorin expanded her areas of expertise to include family law. Since opening her own office in 2002, she has focused much of her practice on divorce, child custody and spousal support matters, in addition to criminal defense.

An aggressive litigator in both civil and criminal matters, Jorin knows when a fair and reasonable agreement has been reached and when to engage in litigation “warfare.”

*E – explicit language may be used in this podcast.