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Jim is a Career Consultant, “Next Phase of Life” Coach and Historian with a diverse career background. After spending the first thirteen years of his career as a history teacher, he spent the next phase of his professional life in corporate America, primarily with Arthur Anderson, in various roles: operations management, finance, human resources and recruiting.

Having worked with a number of people in career transition over a period of years, Jim begin a third career with Lee Hecht Harrison as a career consultant in 2001. While his primary function was to help people find their next job, an increasingly important part of his work was helping clients prepare for the “Next Phase of Life” (i.e., retirement).

Jim moved into “the next phase of life” himself in 2015. He continues to work as a career/retirement consultant. He derives great pleasure from working with couples who are approaching the “next phase of life” and helping them develop a vision of what they want their life to look like after their main working years have ended.

In addition, Jim spends a great deal of time pursuing his interest in history – researching, writing and lecturing.

Jim has BA and MA degrees in History from Oakland University and Wayne State University. He is married with four children and four grandchildren. He travels extensively, usually building those trips around sites of specific historical interest. Recently that has included visits to the utopian communities at Oneida, NY, New Harmony, IN and Robert Owen’s mills in New Lanark, Scotland; the WWI and WWII home of the British Grand Fleet at Scapa Flow in the Orkney Islands; Normandy (5 trips in the past 8 years), as well as visits to the glorious cities of Venice and Calukmul, an extensive Mayan ruin in the southern Yucatan.


Investment advisory services are offered through Motive Wealth Advisors, a DBA of tru Independence Asset Management, a Registered Investment Advisor with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Any material discussed is intended for informational purposes only.

It should not be construed as legal or tax advice and is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified attorney or tax advisor. This information is not an offer or a solicitation to buy or sell securities. The information contained may have been compiled from third party sources and is believed to be reliable.


*E – explicit language may be used in this podcast.