In Chapter 10 of The Think Big Movement, titled “Unintentional Chaos and Serendipity,” Jacob experiences periods of disorder that unexpectedly lead to positive outcomes. This chapter emphasizes how, even amid chaos, serendipity can significantly contribute to success. Jacob learns that relinquishing control can open the door to surprising and beneficial results.

Consider this: Where in your business can you loosen control to allow for innovation and serendipity? Reflect on a process where you typically maintain tight oversight and delegate it to a trusted team member. By doing so, you create space for fresh ideas and unexpected solutions. When you embrace moments of chaos, growth and innovation can thrive.

Download The Think Big Movement and its companion workbook for more insights on growing your business big.



TheThink Big Movement Book Cover
Workbook: The Think Big Movement in Action
How to THINK BIG eBook

The Think Big Movement, the Companion Workbook THINK BIG in Action and How to THINK BIG!