My Tip of the Day is one most of my clients aren’t thinking about. If you are writing articles for any (media) outlet, if you are blogging, if you are interviewed on a television v show, if you are quoted…if you are doing anything. A lot of my clients tell me, “Hey,...
If you are doing social and posting on LinkedIn and Facebook and all the other social mediums like I do, people have been asking me where I get my cover photos. Typorama is an app that basically allows you to put your logo on (your photos). It’s basically where I get...
My clients are doing conference calls throughout the internet. They’re using GoTo Meeting, they’re using Free Conference Call. There are a lot of avenues that they get this done. They record their conversations, but then they send out the recording for...
Hey everybody, this is Jon. If you are a c-level exec or a salesperson who should always think like a c-level exec, you want to watch this TED video. This is by a woman by the name of Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are. This will help you in your...
Jon: I’m sitting here (on Google Hangouts) with Will Wegert. He has a company called Cold Collar, and he is a professional resume writer and branding expert. So I wanted to have him on a quick interview for today’s Tip of the Day. Will, tell us what you do and then we...
Find your clients on social media. Follow them, like their posts on a regular basis so your name is top of...