It’s an axiom of business that great companies grow their revenues and profits year after year. Yet quietly, under the radar, a small number of companies have rejected the pressure of endless growth to focus on more satisfying business goals. Goals like being great at what they do, creating a great place to work, providing great customer service, making great contributions to their communities, and finding great ways to lead their lives.
What others are saying:
“Burlingham crafts a beautiful collage and analysis of companies that focus on being the best instead of growing like cancer into huge corporations…Bigger is not better, and this book proves it.” —Tim Ferriss, in The 4-Hour Workweek
“In short, Small Giants is a Large Masterpiece. Bo’s reporting is stupendous, and his writing and storytelling skills make the book equal parts fun and profound.” —Tom Peters, author of In Search of Excellence
“Small Giants is one of the most relevant and articulate argumetns for staying bold and creative, intimate and manageable as I have ever read.” —Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop
“Small is the new big. If that feels like an offbeat idea to you, you need this book!” —Seth Godin, author of Purple Cow