Navigating the Ups and Downs in Business –
A native of Detroit and now New York City-based designer, Jessica Park was inspired to make her first bag out of sheer captivation of an “as-chance-would-have-it” material possessing quality appeal, history, and the look of something conventional dying to be transformed in a truly unconventional way (Park’s longstanding mantra). Soon after, AMPERSAND AS APOSTROPHE, a high-end line of handbags that double as clutches (and triple as anything else you may feel like), was launched.
As Architecture major turned Interiors major turned multi-faceted artist, it was instinctual for her to employ a feeling of paradoxical form and function. Her innate respect for utility and the structural know-how to identify good design in life’s most common, yet overlooked places is what she believes links style and conceptual sophistication. Part rustic, part design-conscious glossy chic, her rich aesthetic take you to both ends of the spectrum and back again.
AMPERSAND AS APOSTROPHE’s preferred method of solving design challenges is to refine what’s there instead of focusing on what’s not. The first collection made from 100 year-old Mailbags, featured over the shoulder bags that doubled as clutches and triple as anything else you may feel like. Although the initial wow-factor comes from their multiplicity and clean minimalist style, these handbags with envelope-like features made out of the mailbags that used to deliver them is the type of stuff that really gets our rocks off. Something as simple and efficient as an envelope suddenly has an entire new purpose yet still retains its basic form to tell it’s original story.
Connect with Jon Dwoskin:
Twitter: @jdwoskin
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Website: https://jondwoskin.com/
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Email: [email protected]
Get Jon’s Book: The Think Big Movement: Grow your business big. Very Big!
Connect with Jessica Park:
Website: www.AmpersandAsApostrophe.com
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/AmpersandASApostrophe/
*E – explicit language may be used in this podcast.