“Be so good they can’t ignore you.”
-Steve Martin
– Jon’s Favorite Book: The Seat of the Soul: 25th Anniversary Edition with a Study Guideb by Gary Zukav, Jon’s Favorite Podcast: Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, A business and mindset-focused interview show that will teach anyone aspiring to greatness the secrets to success.
Jon's Favorite Podcast
A business and mindset-focused interview podcast that teaches the secrets to success.
Jon's Favorite Thing
An easy to use best seller with great features!
Jon's Favorite App
Make your handwritten notes last forever with this app!
Jon's Favorite TEDTalk
The Art of Stress-Free Productivity: David Allen
Read the transcript
Hey everyone. I’m Jon Dwoskin, an executive advisor and business coach. I work with successful business people who are stuck and want to take their business to the next level. Today, I will share with you some of my favorite things, which may help you grow not only your mindset, but also your business. Take what works for you and shelve the rest for later or share with someone you know will benefit. Get ready to grow your business big. Very Big.
Hey everybody. Welcome back to this installment of My Favorite Things. My favorite book is The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav, a book that really helped me 20-plus years ago. He talks about basically a lot of things, but one thing in particular is that the ideal human being is when you can’t tell when the soul ends and the personality begins. It really knocked me on my ass when I heard that. It got me into alignment with the person that I really wanted to be and get myself in the career that I wanted to be in.
My favorite podcast is Impact Theory with the owner of Quest bars. He has great interviews and he’s just a great human being and, really, his intention of his podcast is just to educate and help other people.
My favorite thing is the Logitech camera. I use it to do my video tips. I use it on my computer. You can also use it for other video things such as Skype and things of that nature.
My favorite app is GoodNotes. Absolutely my favorite. It backs up onto Dropbox. I have it on my iPad. It backs up on Dropbox and on my computer, my phone, so my notes are always with me.
My favorite TED Talk is The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. Again, that is going to be on my website.
My favorite quote is, “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” That’s by Steve Martin.
I hope these help you grow your business as they have mine and many others. Have an amazing day and always think big.
Thanks for listening to this installment of My Favorite Things. For show notes and links to all of my favorite things, please visit jondwoskin.com. One more of my favorite things is my new book, The Think Big Movement: Grow Your Business Big. Very Big! It’s full of best practices that you can put right into your business. Lastly, if you want to talk to me about advising or coaching your business, please email me [email protected] or text or call me at 248-535-7796. Have an amazing day, an amazing week, and as always, Think Big.