The Magic of One-on-One
Jonny Imerman fought testicular cancer for two years in Detroit area in his 20’s. He had loving family and friends, but he never met another young adult who beat the same cancer. Jonny and a group of cancer survivors co-founded Imerman Angels in 2006, a nonprofit that introduces someone fighting cancer to another person who fought the same cancer— 1-on-1. In addition, the organization helps caregivers with the same 1-on-1 mentor/mentee model. Imerman Angels has 11,000+ trained, volunteer cancer survivors and caregivers on call. They live in every U.S. state and across 100+ countries.
In 2017, Jonny Imerman and brother Jeff Imerman co-founded CLOZTALK to raise awareness & funds for nonprofits.
The idea came directly from Imerman Angels, where they needed “awareness” to make a difference. They created simple, crisp, black & white, high-quality logo t-shirts, and inspired friends to rock the Imerman Angels logo at the gym, on a walk, or while working at WeWork. The shirts sparked conversations which spread the mission.
CLOZTALK uses the same proven model to grow awareness for 200+ nonprofits.
CLOZTALK inspires people to rock their favorite nonprofit logo on their clothes. It builds and runs an online landing page and shopping store for each nonprofit. CLOZTALK offers on-demand, 1-off purchases. More nonprofit logos on more bodies = more “awareness” ambassadors spreading the word. There is no cost, no work, and no risk for any cause, and CLOZTALK donates 20% net profits to its nonprofits.
Connect with Jon Dwoskin:
Twitter: @jdwoskin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jonathan.dwoskin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thejondwoskinexperience/
Website: https://jondwoskin.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jondwoskin/
Email: [email protected]
Get Jon’s Book: The Think Big Movement: Grow your business big. Very Big!
Connect with Jonny Imerman:
Website: https://cloztalk.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cloztalk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cloztalk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cloztalk?lang=en
*E – explicit language may be used in this podcast.