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Nathalie Sabrina Dahl – The Outbound Marketing Queen
With 20+ years in business and over 15 years studying Personal Development, Nathalie is the undisputed Outbound Marketing Queen, having helped over 859 coaches & consultants to start, grow and scale their business; and find their perfect target and offer – all in complete control of their marketing.

She has shown by example that what she teaches works: Changing career from an accountant to full time coach and trainer, and now Founder of The Outbound Marketing Agency, Nathalie has perfected not only lead generation skills using the outbound marketing methodology, she is also one of the most sought-after strategists for business owners looking to define their offers, positioning and launch new products.

As founder of THE VICTORY LOG (SWITZERLAND) LTD – she follows one mission: To raise the standard of living for everybody by providing the best possible education.

Because she believes there is not one problem on this planet which cannot be fixed with the right knowledge, adaption & implementation.

Nathalie is a speaker and media expert on outbound marketing, sales, coaching and consulting.

She is based in Switzerland, and speaks globally as frequently as her schedule allows.

*E – explicit language may be used in this podcast.