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Frank Rohde originally hails from Germany. Early attempts at becoming a child prodigy violinist were unsuccessful which forced his parents to abandon any hope or supervision. Left to his own, Frank quickly became famous for wrestling rattlesnakes and kayaking. His sister meanwhile became the child prodigy violinist. Looking for a brighter future, Frank moved to California where his first job was a choice between watering marijuana plants in the Northern California mountains or building a neural network-based prediction engine for horse racing results. Ever focused on doing the right thing, he built the neural network for horse racing. Several other lucky turns led him to stay in the US and eventually graduate from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania with a BS in Finance. Since then, he’s been a consultant at Oliver Wyman, started an online insurance company, spent 4 years at FICO, and grew Nomis from <$2M to $25M+ in ARR before selling it. His current challenge is building Ownify – a new path to ownership for the ~2M first-time homebuyers each year.

*E – explicit language may be used in this podcast.