Jon's Favorite Podcast
The Freedym Show with Ryan Lee
This podcast is quick and to the point.
Ryan provides great, solid content for entrepreneurs.
Jon's Favorite Thing
Apple iPad Pro and Apple Pencil for iPad Pro
These are great tools for taking notes.
They keep me productive and organized.
Jon's Favorite App
This is an easy organizational and efficiency tool to manage all of your tasks and projects.
Check it out!
Jon's Favorite TEDTalk
Read the transcript
Hey, everyone, I’m Jon Dwoskin, an executive advisor and business coach. I work with successful business people who are stuck and want to take their business to the next level.
Today, I will share with you some of my favorite things which may help you grow not only your mindset, but also your business. Take what works for you and shelve the rest for later, or share with someone you know will benefit. Get ready to grow your business big, Very Big.
Hey, everybody, thanks for tuning in. I want to share some of my favorite things this week. “Great By Choice” is one of my favorite books by Jim Collins. Check this book out. It’s going to give you a really fundamental recipe of the foundation of where you need to have your business and grow your business from there.
My favorite podcast this week is Ryan Lee, The Freedym Show. He doesn’t do any more episodes but it’s 90-some episodes of about 10 minute podcasts that actually influenced me to do my podcasts in the timeframe that I did. Check it out. You will get a ton of information to grow your business.
My favorite thing this week is my iPad Pro with my iPad pencil. I stopped carrying a notebook and all I do is use GoodNotes with my iPad. It’s absolutely incredible. It’s made me incredibly more productive and those people that I know also use it feel exactly the same way.
My favorite App this week is Todoist. You can go to todoist.com and check it out or go to the App Store. You will become highly organized, at least I think you will. I know I have. It’s probably added a month of time to my schedule because of how organized I can be using Todoist, as my buddy Jim, who’s a financial wealth advisor, advised me to use it and it is incredible.
My favorite TED Talk is Tim Ferriss, “Why You Should Define Your Fears Instead of Your Goals.” It’s incredibly inspirational and I think that you will absolutely love it.
My favorite quote this week is, “The same boiling water that softens potatoes hardens eggs.”
These are my favorite things. They have helped me grow. I hope they do the same for you and your business. Have an amazing day, amazing week, and always think big.
Thanks for listening to this installment of My Favorite Things. For show notes and links to all of My Favorite Things, please visit jondwoskin.com.
One more of my favorite things is my new book, The Think Big Movement: Grow Your Business Big. Very Big! It’s full of best practices that you can put right into your business. Lastly, if you want to talk to me about advising or coaching your business, please email me, [email protected], or text or call me at 248-535-7796.