Jon's Favorite Podcast
Sports stories like you’ve never heard before.
Jon's Favorite Thing
Ben and Jerry’s Almond Milk Ice Cream
Non-dairy, vegan flavor creations from Ben & Jerry’s!
Check out their website to find your favorite flavor!
Jon's Favorite App
This is a great financial tool for real estate.
Jon's Favorite TEDTalk
Are you a giver or taker?
Read the transcript
Hey, everyone. I’m Jon Dwoskin, an executive adviser and business coach. I work with successful business people who are stuck and want to take their business to the next level. Today, I will share with you some of my favorite things, which may help you grow not only your mindset but also your business. Take what works for you and shelve the rest for later or share with someone you know will benefit. Get ready to grow your business big. Very Big.
Hey, this is Jon. Hopefully, you are growing your business with some of my favorite things that you’ve been listening to. This week, my favorite book is Essentialism. It basically talks about what is the one thing that you need to be doing and get rid of all of the other distractions. Outstanding book – was recommended to me by my business coach many, many years ago, and I know many, many people who enjoy and get a lot out of that book.
My favorite podcast is 30 for 30 Podcasts. Great sports stories that will just inspire and infuse motivation in you.
My favorite thing is Ben & Jerry’s almond milk ice cream. I don’t really eat a lot of dairy so Ben & Jerry’s have done me and my entire family a huge favor by throwing almond milk in there. It’s incredible.
My favorite app is a 10bii calculator for real estate. It’s $5.99. You can get it at the App Store and it is a great one.
My favorite Ted Talk is Are you a giver or a taker? You’re going to love it.
My favorite quote is Be bold, that is where growth happens.
Have an amazing day. Continue to grow your business. If you have any questions, don’t ever hesitate to call or drop me an email. Use these tips to grow your business. Share them with some friends that may be able to benefit from them as well. Have an amazing day and always think big.
Thanks for listening to this installment of my favorite things. For show notes and links to all of my favorite things, please visit jondwoskin.com. One more of my favorite things is my new book, The Think Big Movement: Grow your business big. Very Big! It’s full of best practices that you can put right into your business. Lastly, if you want to talk to me about advising or coaching your business, please email me, [email protected] or text or call me at 248-535-7796. Have an amazing day, an amazing week, and as always, think big.