“The dream is free. The hustle is sold separately.”
Jon’s Favorite Book: Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past-Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives by Brian L. Weiss
Jon's Favorite Podcast
Deconstructing world class performers for tips and techniques that listeners can use.
Jon's Favorite Thing
I love it. It has tons of pockets in it. I can put at ton of stuff in it. It’s really my portable office.
Jon's Favorite App
Sometimes it’s nice to not know what the next song is.
Jon's Favorite TEDTalk
Why its time to forget the pecking order at work
Read the transcript
Hey, everyone, I’m Jon Dwoskin, an Executive Advisor and Business Coach. I work with successful business people who are stuck and want to take their business to the next level. Today, I will share with you some of my favorite things which may help you grow not only your mindset, but also your business. Take what works for you and shelve the rest for later, or share with someone you know will benefit. Get ready to grow your business big. Very big.
Hey, and welcome back to Jon’s Favorite Things. Hope these are helping you grow your business.
My favorite book is Many Lives, Many Masters, by Brian Weiss. It’s an incredible story about somebody who had a lot of issues. Her name is Catherine and Brian Weiss basically puts her under hypnosis – true story – and she heals herself by healing her past lives. It’s really an incredible read and I highly recommend it. It just talks about the power of letting go.
My favorite podcast is the Tim Ferriss Show. Solid, unbelievable interviews. I think everything Ferriss does is phenomenal and worth subscribing to.
My favorite thing is my TUMI Briefcase Backpack. I love it. It has tons of pockets in it. I can put a ton of stuff in it and it’s really my portable office.
My favorite app is Pandora. Sometimes, even though I’ve got so much music on my iPhone, it’s nice to listen to a station and not know what the next song is.
My favorite Ted Talk is, Why it’s Time to Forget the Pecking Order at Work. I think you will really enjoy that one.
My favorite quote is, “The dream is free. The hustle is sold separately.”
Hope this helps you to grow your business. Have an amazing day. Have an amazing week and always think big.
Thanks for listening to this installment of My Favorite Things. For show notes and links to all of my favorite things, please visit johndowskin.com. One more of my favorite things is my new book, The Think Big Movement: Grow your business big. Very Big! It’s full of best practices that you can put right into your business.
Lastly, if you want to talk to me about advising or coaching your business, please email me: [email protected] or text or call me at 248-535-7796. Have an amazing day, an amazing week and, as always, think big.