“Try not to become a man of success, but rather a man of value.” – Albert Einstein
Hard to believe, but we’re already halfway through January. The holidays are just a fading memory as we march forward into 2018. Are you on track with your business plan? Is your team?
Here are five tools to bring an increased level of value to everything you do for your clients – and yourself!
1. Write a handwritten note to every one of your clients. Do the same after every meeting.
2. Send every client and prospect an email every Friday telling them to have a great weekend with a link to an article they may enjoy. Go a step further and give them a one- or two- sentence review of the article and why they will enjoy it.
3. Create an editorial calendar for all of your marketing and social media posts. Know what you are doing and when for the entire month and/or quarter.
4. Call every client and thank them for their business. Tell them how much you appreciate working with them. Follow up with an email or handwritten note.
5. Don’t forget to say “thank you” to everyone you do business with and interact with on a day-to-day basis. A lot of people forget this, but it’s huge. Everyone wants to be appreciated and know they matter.
Here are some of my favorite things that may help you grow your business this month:
Book of the Month
MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom
How well do you know the rules of money? This book will teach you what you need to know and how to think about money.
Podcast of the Month
The Bill Simmons Podcast
Bill Simmons tells it like it is, says it like it is and creates a platform for his guests to do the same. This is one of my favorites. You will love it!
Product of the Month
BIC 4-Color Pens
These are the ONLY pens I use in business. The colors help separate your thoughts so you can follow your notes after the meeting. These pens aren’t just for third-graders anymore!
Question of the Month
How can you give someone $63 using six bills, without using $1 bills?
Answer will be in next month’s newsletter. Can’t wait? Call or email me for the answer.
As we navigate through January, make a pledge to bring value to every client, prospect and co-worker you talk to this month. Have a great month – and THINK BIG!
P.S. Another great way to accelerate your business is to hire a business coach to hold you accountable. Feel free to call, email or text me to explore how I can help take you to the next level. And don’t forget to visit my website (link) for more concrete and creative tools to grow your business big – Very Big!