How to Think Like a CEO: How Are You Creating Your Culture?

Now that we have reached the end of the year and the holiday season, it is time for some deep reflection. This reflection should focus on the culture of your company. The culture you create as a business leader will be the barometer that will determine just how BIG...

How to Think Like a CEO: Who Inspires You?

Do you remember the watershed moment in your life when you felt inspired to do what you do? If we plan to grow our businesses to new heights, we cannot do it on our own. We need outside influences to inspire us to reach further and become better versions of...

How to Think Like a CEO: Do You Need to Adjust Your Course?

With the last quarter of the year approaching, now is a good time to re-evaluate your business plan. In reality, you should be re-evaluating your processes and business plans weekly—even daily, but now is a great time to focus on how these business plans affect the...

How to Think Like a CEO: Is Everyone Sitting in the Right Seat?

The people you employ are the heartbeat of your company. They are the main variable that sets the tone for your company’s culture and ultimate success.To make sure your people are helping to create the culture you want in your business, you must answer this...

How to Think Like a CEO: Are You Flying by the Seat of Your Pants?

Flying by the seat of your pants in business will never lead to growth. Wishing and hoping that your business grows will never take it to the place you want it to be. Einstein famously said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and...