Many times people call me who are successful, but stuck. They can’t seem to grow their business to its next level. They have put in thousands of hours to build their business, but see their legacy slipping away along with the connection they have with their company, people and culture. They begin to realize that what got them where they are won’t get them to where they want to be.
This is often a very difficult realization for everyone from CEO to President, Upper Manager to Sales Pro. It’s not easy to admit you have a skewed perspective of what is going on in your company and what needs to be done to take your people, culture and revenue growth to its ultimate level.
Those who are innovative-minded call people like me, an executive advisor/business coach, when they begin to experience staleness. But others wait until they have exhausted all their options before getting the outside perspective to help take what they created and grow the company with them, not for them.
It’s not always easy to put your ego to the side and be open to a mindset of growth. It is common for many executives to have their own internal arm-wrestling match as they struggle to admit they need help to grow what they’ve built with their own ideas and sheer grit.
That first call to a business coach is the first step in the next evolution of your company.
Here are top 10 things you should have before calling a business coach and/or to be prepared for your first meeting. Don’t worry — many executives don’t have these items; they will all be developed with the help of a good business coach. It’s time to work ON your business, not just IN it.
1. Your current and past three years of business plans. You should have plans for yourself and everyone in the company. Spend time reviewing them before your meeting.
2. A printout of your current and past three years of income and expenses. You need to know how you’re making money and where you’re spending it.
3. An organizational chart. It is important to have in black and white who reports to whom.
4. A detailed description of every person in your org chart. Everyone should know exactly what role they play, and others need to know as well.
5. A three-year business plan. Know where you are going.
6. A list of all the regular meetings you have in your company.
7. A list of all your managers and how they handle their departments and people.
8. An overall rating of where you believe your company culture is on a scale of 1 to 10.
9. A list of the company mission statement, values, morals and message.
10. Your editorial calendar for all marketing and branding, both online and off.
When you stop your internal arm wrestling and make the call to a business coach, you’re already beginning to win. You’ll gain clarity, not just on that top 10 list, but on dozens of other strategies, guidance and roadmaps to grow your business. Remember, giving in is not giving up.
When you’re ready, call someone you trust to give you sound advice and help you grow every element of your business, people and revenues.
Warning: It requires a time commitment, executive time and a paradigm shift to create and implement change for yourself and your company. Growth starts with you — your company will follow. Lead them today for a brighter tomorrow.
Think Big!