5 More of My Favorite Books for Inspiration

There is nothing better than getting that one idea from a book that inspires you, defines and frames an issue and gives you tools to execute on a higher level.

Below are five more of my favorites:

  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
    Understand where you are, where you’re going and your path
  • Raving Fans by Ken Blanchard
    The ultimate customer service book
  • Cold Call Techniques that Really Work  
    Great tips to make every day prospecting easier
  • I Can’t Accept Not Trying – Michael Jordan
    Mastering your fundamentals
  • The One-Minute Manager
    Great management tips to grow and inspire your team(s)  

These books have made such a big impact on me. I encourage you to check out at least one of these books today to add some inspiration and motivation to your life.

