Jon's Favorite Podcast
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Jon's Favorite Thing
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Jon's Favorite TEDTalk
How Great Leaders Inspire Action
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Hey, everyone, I’m Jon Dwoskin, an executive advisor and business coach. I work with successful business people who are stuck and want to take their business to the next level. Today, I will share with you some of my favorite things, which may help you grow not only your mindset, but also your business. Take what works for you and shelve the rest for later, or share with someone you know will benefit. Get ready to grow your business big … very big.
Welcome back, and thanks for listening to this installment of My Favorite Things. My favorite book: Good to Great. A lot of people have read it. Worth reading again or listening to on audible.com. I do enjoy listening to books on audible.com, and if you are a busy executive person or business person of whatever you do, you will benefit from turning your car into a university. I know I have, and it has just taught me a lot and really helped me go. Good to Great, Jim Collins. Great, great book.
Favorite podcast: Business Book Talk. You will enjoy it. Basically, they talk about a lot of business books.
My favorite thing is tiebar.com. All the ties are $20. They used to be $15 back in the day when they came out, but they sell tie bars. They sell handkerchiefs. They sell everything you would need, basically, to look sharp in business, and they do it at a very economical price. And they’re incredible! I was recently in Boston, and I was at Tie Bar stores. You gotta check it out.
My favorite app is simply the podcast app. It’s always amazing to me that many people don’t know what the podcast app is, and I highly recommend that you check it out and you start listening to podcasts. If you’re listening to this, you probably are listening to it on a podcast, but you may be listening to it on a website.
My favorite TED Talk is How Great Leaders Inspire Action, and my favorite quote is, “If you don’t know where you want to be in five years, you’re already there.”
Have an amazing day. I hope these help you think big and grow your business in a very big way. And if you need anything, don’t hesitate to call. Have an amazing day, and always think big.
Thanks for listening to this installment of My Favorite Things. For show notes and links to all of My Favorite Things, please visit jondwoskin.com.
One more of my favorite things is my new book, The Think Big Movement: Grow Your Business Big … Very Big. It’s full of best practices that you can put right into your business.
Lastly, if you want to talk to me about advising or coaching your business, please email me, [email protected], or text or call me at (248) 535-7796. Have an amazing day, an amazing week and always, think big.