Jon’s Mid-Month Think BiggER Blog Series: Customer Service

“One customer well taken care of could be more valuable than $10,000 worth of advertising.” – Jim Rohn

My parents always told me, “Treat others like you want to be treated.” What a mantra to live by!  With that in mind, here’s five tips to help you perfect the art of providing excellent customer service:

  1. Impeccable, exceptional customer service needs to be top priority in everything you do and say.
  2. Read/re-read “Raving Fans” by Ken Blanchard this month.
  3. Always say “thank you.”
  4. When communicating, always ask, “What do you want to accomplish on today’s call/meeting?”
  5. Make sure you listen and then respond. Talk less, ask more and listen always!


Use the increased Vitamin D from the sun to help revive your heat and passion for business. Here are some of my favorite things that can help:

Book of the Month
Raving Fans
Learn what your customers really want with Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles.


Podcast of the Month
The Art of Charm
Listen to become a better networker, better connector and better thinker.
Download it today!


Product of the Month
Personal Stationery
Taking the time to write handwritten notes can make a big difference, and personalized stationery always makes a good impression.
Try it today!


Mindtrap Question of the Month
You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?

Answer will be in next month’s newsletter. Is this brainteaser eating up too many braincells? Call or email me for the answer.

Last month’s answer:
N and T, the next two letters in the alphabet composed only of straight lines.
(A E F H I K L M … What are the next two letters in the following series?)


Whether it’s at the ice cream stand or a Fortune 500 company, we all expect – and deserve — good customer service. Let me help you deliver on that concept – every time. Without satisfied customers, you can’t think big! Very Big!