There are a lot of parallels between the business world and professional sports. The competitive drive that motivates
each athlete usually is the same competitive drive that has helped build businesses. But just like athletes, if we do not learn the proper fundamentals and put them in place, our flame can fizzle out and we can become stuck in a prison created by our passions.
All too often, businesses grow too fast without these processes and practices in place. Fundamentals are imperative in both sports and business.
One of the greatest examples of the importance of fundamentals is Larry Bird, the Boston Celtic legend and NBA Hall of Famer. Michael Jordan, one of Bird’s fiercest rivals, recalls what set Bird apart in his book, I Can’t Accept Not Trying, when he recalled Bird having the best fundamentals. He could dribble well, shoot with good form and get in good position to play defense, and NBA titles were won as a result. Without proper fundamentals, our business will become stuck and we’ll be left wondering, “Where do I go from here?”
Getting back on track and escaping from this self-induced prison will take discipline, self-reflection and accountability. Here are seven steps you can take within the next seven days to begin the process of getting unstuck and growing your business again:
1. Ask for introductions, not referrals. By asking for an “introduction,” you’re making the process sound positive in tone rather than negative. Have your best clients introduce you to possible clients, not refer you. The syntax is slightly different and gives more of an optimistic, classy feel than a negative, cheap feel. Once the introduction is made, it’s your job to close them.