- A clear message of what you do and the problem you solve. When your prospects and clients come to your site, they need to know within 5-7 seconds what you do and the problem you can solve for them.
- Calls to Action. If you don’t tell people to connect with you, they won’t. Calls to action also give website visitors clear direction, letting them know what action to take next to contact you, work with you, sign up for programs, download you materials, etc.
- Tons of Value-Add Content Your website should be content rich. Share as much free content as possible that brings value into visitors’ work days and lives.
- Tons of Video Tips. Your prospects and clients want to get to know you and can do that better through video.
- Clean Layout with Easy Navigation. Don’t make anyone work to get what they want or hunt to find what they’re looking
for on your site.
Your website is the most important business card you have. It’s your online storefront. You want everyone to feel welcomed, informed and ready to take action when they come to your site.