I want to highlight a fundamental today that a lot of us know, but I want to discuss it. The old economy is “Time is money,” and we say, “Time equals money.” Not to say that isn’t true to a point. But the current economy is about relationships and relationships equal money. The definition of what a relationship is today has changed over the last 50 years, so the differentiator is when you meet someone face-to-face. I want you to spend time today thinking about what a relationship is for you, and if those relationships are making you money. If they’re not, they are basically acquaintances or people who are spending time with you for any other reason but to make you money. If your relationships are strong, they will equate to money and business. So really spend some time – put some pen to paper – and think about this, and define what your relationship is and then commit to the habit of making that happen. Have a great day and always, Think Big!