The Think Big Movement PODCAST
“Growing your business big never sounded so fun.” Jon Dwoskin
In this podcast, Jon Dwoskin, Executive Advisor and Business Coach takes his book, The Think Big Movement, to the next level by interviewing successful business owners, executives and top sales people.
Listen in as Jon and his guests share their Think Big strategies, including best business practices, business advice, and business acumen so you, too, can grow your business big. Very Big!
Jon Dwoskin Interviews Jeff Katkowsky – Partner at Sachse Construction and Zolman Restoration
Jeff Katowsky is a dynamic business leader who has found much gratitude and experience as a principle of two thriving local companies: Sachse Construction and Zolman Restoration. Sachse Construction is a 25 year old, medium sized commercial general...
Jon Dwoskin’s Favorite Things 17: Give Me Six Hours to Chop Down a Tree
"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." Abraham Lincoln, Jon's Favorite Book: Relentless by Tim Grover -- he is the trainer to Coby and to Michael and his book is just gritty and direct and great. Jon's...
Jon Dwoskin Interviews Kristian Price – Founder of Kristian Price Design Right Messaging, Right Branding, Right Marketing, Right Now! Jon talks with Kristian Price about marketing, branding and more in this podcast....
Jon’s Favorite Things 16: If Your Actions Inspire Others
"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." John Quincy Adams. Jon's Favorite Book: Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, Jon's Favorite Podcast: The Ringer NBA Show - You will love it, Jon's...
Jon Dwoskin Interviews Geoff Kretchmer – President of Star Trax Entertainment
From Star Trax: Star Trax is the #1 social entertainment company in its market. Aside from having the greatest interactive entertainers in the country, Star Trax prides itself on its investment in the community and the remarkable relationships that it has developed...
Jon’s Favorite Things 15: I Will Prepare and Some Day My Chance Will Come
"I will prepare and some day my chance will come." - Abraham Lincoln Jon's Favorite Book: The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller, Jon's Favorite Podcast: John Lee Dumas Entrepreneurs On Fire - It's worth...
Jon Dwoskin Interviews Rachel, Protect Your Energy, Grow Your Business, Be Kind!
Protect your energy, grow your business, be kind with Rachel. I'm so excited for my next guest because we all talk about the law of attraction and it is so important not only in business but in life, I know, I teach my children this and this is something I talk...
Jon’s Favorite Things 14: Try Not To Become a Man of Success, but Rather a Man of Value
"Try not to become a man of success, but rather a man of value." - Albert Einstein Jon's Favorite Book: Skinny Bastard by Rory Freedman, Jon's Favorite Podcast: Build Your Tribe. It is solid. If you're looking to build a following. Nothing is overnight. It's going to...
Jon Dwoskin Interviews Ryan Landau, President of President of re:purpose
Ryan Landau grew up in West Bloomfield, attended Michigan State University and started his professional career with IBM in Washington, D.C. His first venture began when he was just 14 years old. In 2002, Ryan and his older brother, Andrew, co-founded Carnival...
Jon Dwoskin Interviews Nikki Raimi, President of Nikki Raimi Company
Jon talks with Nikki Raimi, about going for it and never looking back. Nikki Raimi is 45, married and a mother of 3 from Birmingham, Michigan. She graduated from Ohio State University and taught for 10 years. Nikki has been an entrepreneur for the past 2 years,...
Jon’s Favorite Things 13: Seek First to Understand Before Being Understood
"Seek first to understand before being understood." Jon's Favorite Book:Post-Jerusalem Girl by Lor Lor, Jon's Favorite Podcast: The Tony Robbins Podcast - Always great. Just absolutely solid., Jon's Favorite Thing: Tim Ferris 5-Bullet Friday Blog Post-Jerusalem...
Jon’s Favorite Things 12: Intelligence Is the Ability to Adapt to Change
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." - Stephen Hawking Jon's Favorite Book: Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman, Completely Revised and Updated by Yvon Chouinard, Jon's Favorite Podcast: OPTIMIZE with Brian Johnson -...
Jon Dwoskin Interviews Dylan Tent Sotheby’s Top Agent
Dylan Tent is a disruptor in the residential real estate space, nicknamed the heli realtor, he is changing the way realtors market, prospects and grow their business. *E - explicit language may be used in this podcast. Jon Dwoskin: Hey, everybody. I'm Jon...
Jon’s Favorite Things 11: I Can Accept Failure, but I Can’t Accept Not Trying
"I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." - Michael Jordan Jon's Favorite Book: Confessions of the Pricing Man: How Price Affects Everything by Hermann Simon, Jon's Favorite Podcast: BBC Global News Podcast - Solid...
Jon Dwoskin Interviews Chris and Andrew McCuiston of Goldfish Swim School
Turning and Growing your passion into a thriving business with Brothers - Co-Founder and President Chris McCuiston and VP Andrew McCuiston of Goldfish Swim School and Goldfish Swim School Franchising, LLC. Andrew McCuiston went to college at the University of...
Jon’s Favorite Things 10: I’ve Failed Over and Over and Over Again in My Life and That is Why I Succeed
"I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed." Michael Jordan Jon's Favorite Book: Tennis is Mental - Tennis Is Mental: Racket Bag Edition by Stephen Renwick, Jon's Favorite Podcast: Meet the Press - I love watching it on Sundays, but...
Jon Dwoskin Interviews Brian S. Raznick, Partner at Jaffe Raitt Heuer & Weiss
Brian S. Raznick is a partner in the Southfield office of Jaffe Raitt Heuer & Weiss. A member of the Firm's Real Estate Group, Brian represents clients in the formation of entities and the sale and purchase of various businesses. He also represents developers and...
Jon’s Favorite Things 9: The Dream is Free. The Hustle is Sold Separately
"The dream is free. The hustle is sold separately." Jon's Favorite Book: Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past-Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives by Brian L. Weiss Many Lives, Many Masters: The...
Jon Dwoskin Interviews Scott J. Marcus, Principal in RSM Development & Management and Orange Theory Fitness
As a principal in the real estate development firm of RSM Development & Management, L.L.C. in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, Scott J. Marcus's primary responsibilities include the acquisition, development and first party property management of multi-family, office,...
Jon’s Favorite Things 8: Wisdom is Knowing the Right Path to Take – Integrity is Taking it
"Wisdom is knowing the right path to take. Integrity is taking it." Jon's Favorite Book: The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason, Jon's Favorite Podcast: MSNBC Morning Joe - Daily in-depth political conversations with a wide variety of guests. The...
Jon Dwoskin Interviews Jonny Imerman, Founder of Imerman Angels 1:1 Cancer Support Community
Jonny Imerman is a young adult cancer survivor who strives to make sure no one fights cancer without the support of someone who has already triumphed over the disease. After being diagnosed with testicular cancer at the age of 26, Jonny decided to found Imerman...
Jon’s Favorite Things 7: The Price of Discipline is Always Less Than the Pain of Regrets
"The price of discipline is always less than the pain of regrets." Jon's Favorite Book: The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing: Violate Them at Your Own Risk! by Al Ries, Jon's Favorite Podcast: Joel Osteen Podcast - I think he's a great guy and I just like what he has to...
Jon Dwoskin Interviews Will Wegert, President and Founder of Cold Collar
Will Wegert is a blogger, a public speaker and a resource for passionate job seekers. He's a man on a mission to help as many job seekers as possible find work they love. He’s been featured in newspapers, podcasts, and media outlets across the globe. When he's...
Jon’s Favorite Things 6: Complacency is the Opposite of Growth
"Complacency is the opposite of growth." Jon's Favorite Book: You Can Negotiate Anything: The World's Best Negotiator Tells You How To Get What You Want by Herb Cohen, Jon's Favorite Podcast: Wall Street Journal What's News You Can Negotiate Anything: The World's Best...

Jon Dwoskin Interviews Jeff Katkowsky – Partner at Sachse Construction and Zolman Restoration
Jeff Katowsky is a dynamic business leader who has found much gratitude and experience as a principle of two thriving local companies: Sachse Construction and Zolman Restoration. Sachse Construction is a 25 year old, medium sized commercial general...

Jon Dwoskin’s Favorite Things 17: Give Me Six Hours to Chop Down a Tree
"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." Abraham Lincoln, Jon's Favorite Book: Relentless by Tim Grover -- he is the trainer to Coby and to Michael and his book is just gritty and direct and great. Jon's...

Jon Dwoskin Interviews Kristian Price – Founder of Kristian Price Design Right Messaging, Right Branding, Right Marketing, Right Now! Jon talks with Kristian Price about marketing, branding and more in this podcast....

Jon’s Favorite Things 16: If Your Actions Inspire Others
"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." John Quincy Adams. Jon's Favorite Book: Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, Jon's Favorite Podcast: The Ringer NBA Show - You will love it, Jon's...

Jon Dwoskin Interviews Geoff Kretchmer – President of Star Trax Entertainment
From Star Trax: Star Trax is the #1 social entertainment company in its market. Aside from having the greatest interactive entertainers in the country, Star Trax prides itself on its investment in the community and the remarkable relationships that it has developed...

Jon’s Favorite Things 15: I Will Prepare and Some Day My Chance Will Come
"I will prepare and some day my chance will come." - Abraham Lincoln Jon's Favorite Book: The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller, Jon's Favorite Podcast: John Lee Dumas Entrepreneurs On Fire - It's worth...

Jon Dwoskin Interviews Rachel, Protect Your Energy, Grow Your Business, Be Kind!
Protect your energy, grow your business, be kind with Rachel. I'm so excited for my next guest because we all talk about the law of attraction and it is so important not only in business but in life, I know, I teach my children this and this is something I talk...

Jon’s Favorite Things 14: Try Not To Become a Man of Success, but Rather a Man of Value
"Try not to become a man of success, but rather a man of value." - Albert Einstein Jon's Favorite Book: Skinny Bastard by Rory Freedman, Jon's Favorite Podcast: Build Your Tribe. It is solid. If you're looking to build a following. Nothing is overnight. It's going to...

Jon Dwoskin Interviews Ryan Landau, President of President of re:purpose
Ryan Landau grew up in West Bloomfield, attended Michigan State University and started his professional career with IBM in Washington, D.C. His first venture began when he was just 14 years old. In 2002, Ryan and his older brother, Andrew, co-founded Carnival...

Jon Dwoskin Interviews Nikki Raimi, President of Nikki Raimi Company
Jon talks with Nikki Raimi, about going for it and never looking back. Nikki Raimi is 45, married and a mother of 3 from Birmingham, Michigan. She graduated from Ohio State University and taught for 10 years. Nikki has been an entrepreneur for the past 2 years,...

Jon’s Favorite Things 13: Seek First to Understand Before Being Understood
"Seek first to understand before being understood." Jon's Favorite Book:Post-Jerusalem Girl by Lor Lor, Jon's Favorite Podcast: The Tony Robbins Podcast - Always great. Just absolutely solid., Jon's Favorite Thing: Tim Ferris 5-Bullet Friday Blog Post-Jerusalem...

Jon’s Favorite Things 12: Intelligence Is the Ability to Adapt to Change
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." - Stephen Hawking Jon's Favorite Book: Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman, Completely Revised and Updated by Yvon Chouinard, Jon's Favorite Podcast: OPTIMIZE with Brian Johnson -...

Jon Dwoskin Interviews Dylan Tent Sotheby’s Top Agent
Dylan Tent is a disruptor in the residential real estate space, nicknamed the heli realtor, he is changing the way realtors market, prospects and grow their business. *E - explicit language may be used in this podcast. Jon Dwoskin: Hey, everybody. I'm Jon...

Jon’s Favorite Things 11: I Can Accept Failure, but I Can’t Accept Not Trying
"I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." - Michael Jordan Jon's Favorite Book: Confessions of the Pricing Man: How Price Affects Everything by Hermann Simon, Jon's Favorite Podcast: BBC Global News Podcast - Solid...

Jon Dwoskin Interviews Chris and Andrew McCuiston of Goldfish Swim School
Turning and Growing your passion into a thriving business with Brothers - Co-Founder and President Chris McCuiston and VP Andrew McCuiston of Goldfish Swim School and Goldfish Swim School Franchising, LLC. Andrew McCuiston went to college at the University of...

Jon’s Favorite Things 10: I’ve Failed Over and Over and Over Again in My Life and That is Why I Succeed
"I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed." Michael Jordan Jon's Favorite Book: Tennis is Mental - Tennis Is Mental: Racket Bag Edition by Stephen Renwick, Jon's Favorite Podcast: Meet the Press - I love watching it on Sundays, but...

Jon Dwoskin Interviews Brian S. Raznick, Partner at Jaffe Raitt Heuer & Weiss
Brian S. Raznick is a partner in the Southfield office of Jaffe Raitt Heuer & Weiss. A member of the Firm's Real Estate Group, Brian represents clients in the formation of entities and the sale and purchase of various businesses. He also represents developers and...

Jon’s Favorite Things 9: The Dream is Free. The Hustle is Sold Separately
"The dream is free. The hustle is sold separately." Jon's Favorite Book: Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past-Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives by Brian L. Weiss Many Lives, Many Masters: The...

Jon Dwoskin Interviews Scott J. Marcus, Principal in RSM Development & Management and Orange Theory Fitness
As a principal in the real estate development firm of RSM Development & Management, L.L.C. in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, Scott J. Marcus's primary responsibilities include the acquisition, development and first party property management of multi-family, office,...

Jon’s Favorite Things 8: Wisdom is Knowing the Right Path to Take – Integrity is Taking it
"Wisdom is knowing the right path to take. Integrity is taking it." Jon's Favorite Book: The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason, Jon's Favorite Podcast: MSNBC Morning Joe - Daily in-depth political conversations with a wide variety of guests. The...

Jon Dwoskin Interviews Jonny Imerman, Founder of Imerman Angels 1:1 Cancer Support Community
Jonny Imerman is a young adult cancer survivor who strives to make sure no one fights cancer without the support of someone who has already triumphed over the disease. After being diagnosed with testicular cancer at the age of 26, Jonny decided to found Imerman...

Jon’s Favorite Things 7: The Price of Discipline is Always Less Than the Pain of Regrets
"The price of discipline is always less than the pain of regrets." Jon's Favorite Book: The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing: Violate Them at Your Own Risk! by Al Ries, Jon's Favorite Podcast: Joel Osteen Podcast - I think he's a great guy and I just like what he has to...

Jon Dwoskin Interviews Will Wegert, President and Founder of Cold Collar
Will Wegert is a blogger, a public speaker and a resource for passionate job seekers. He's a man on a mission to help as many job seekers as possible find work they love. He’s been featured in newspapers, podcasts, and media outlets across the globe. When he's...

Jon’s Favorite Things 6: Complacency is the Opposite of Growth
"Complacency is the opposite of growth." Jon's Favorite Book: You Can Negotiate Anything: The World's Best Negotiator Tells You How To Get What You Want by Herb Cohen, Jon's Favorite Podcast: Wall Street Journal What's News You Can Negotiate Anything: The World's Best...