Season 4 – Episode 7 – Your Evolution Will Not Be Televised

This week the fellas wax philosophic on constantly reinventing yourself. You’re either growing or you’re dying. Which would you rather do? Your Evolution Will Not Be Televised *E - explicit...

Season 4 – Episode 6 – Minimum Effective Doh’s

In this episode, the guys share their tips on getting more done. You don’t have to sacrifice to do more, you just need better planning and the right mindset. Minimum Effective Doh's *E -...

Season 4 – Episode 4 – Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Taken

This week, the fellas tell you why you need to stop trying to be someone you are not. Your customers know when you are not genuine, so why do it? Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Taken *E - explicit language...

Season 4 – Episode 2 – Systematically Seeking Systems

In this episode, the guys urge you to take action. Don’t let analysis paralysis get you. The perfect plan does not exist. Make like Nike and “Just do it.” *E - explicit language is used...