It’s our 50th episode!
In this episode, the guys give you over half an hour of actionable advice you can use TODAY!
Salespeople of all skill levels across all industries can find something to use in this extra large episode.
Read the full transcript
Scott Fishman: Hey, Johnny, good morning.
Jon Dwoskin: Scottie, good morning. How are you?
Scott Fishman: Doing great today, man. Just got back from the gym, got a big day ahead of me.
Jon Dwoskin: Nice.
Scott Fishman: Excited.
Jon Dwoskin: Good. Good. I just had a bunch of meetings. I got a bunch more the rest of the day. So I’m glad we could fit in a podcast. It’s always fun and a fun break in the day.
Scott Fishman: Yeah, no doubt, especially in the middle of a bunch of meetings for sure.
Jon Dwoskin: So we got a hell of a topic today that I know you are anxious to talk about with some heavy, heavy learning lessons in it.
Scott Fishman: Yeah. For sure.
Jon Dwoskin: From a sales perspective and business. So I’m going to let you take the lead and share with everybody. Then let’s have a quality conversation about it.
Scott Fishman: Yeah, Jon. I mean, one of the things that we’ve always talked about is our audience is kind of vast.
Jon Dwoskin: Right.
Scott Fishman: There’s people in different industries across the board. I know we’ve got some people that work in the automotive industry that listen to us. I wanted to share my experience. I actually just went through possibly buying a new car, which is always an exciting and nerve-racking thing. I wanted to share some of the things that I dealt with on the sales end that …
Jon Dwoskin: Yeah, for sure.
Scott Fishman: Can help people.
Jon Dwoskin: Yeah. I just want to point out, you use the word, “Vast”. I mean, this happens to be a story about buying a car but it goes across all businesses.
Scott Fishman: Absolutely.
Jon Dwoskin: I don’t even know exactly everything you’re going to say specifically. But I just know that it can be applied to everywhere. So listen up, everybody, because these are going to be some great learning lessons. All right. Where do we start?
Scott Fishman: All right, cool. Well, we did a couple of podcasts recently on things not to do. Here’s some things that we’re talking about that this guy did that maybe he shouldn’t have done or vice versa. We’re also going to give you ways to remedy that, things to actually find success with, tactics and strategies that will work rather than not work.
Jon Dwoskin: Well, Fish, isn’t that going to require work?
Scott Fishman: Yeah, absolutely.
Jon Dwoskin: On behalf of people. So I think sometimes it’s great to listen to some of the things that Fish and I talk about but I’m going to encourage everybody, specifically from this talk, take at least one thing that you’re going to put into your day and think about one thing you’re going to stop, and commit to implementing.
Scott Fishman: Right. I like that.
Jon Dwoskin: Am I right?
Scott Fishman: You mean, there’s no magic ball, that it’s not like you listen to the podcast, you close a sale?
Jon Dwoskin: Not so much, no, not so much. But if there was a pill for it, we’d probably be selling it, and there isn’t. So it just requires discipline and hard work. There you go. All right.
Scott Fishman: So I’ll start off. First and foremost, I found a car that I wanted online. I was like, “Okay. It’s easy. I could shop from my bed.” Obviously, I’m going to have to deal with a dealership at some point. So I found a car that I wanted. There was a button, “Email for more info.” How easy is that, right? So I found this car. I emailed. I said, “Hey, is this car available?” I had some specific questions because I wanted to buy from a dealership that’s right by my house.
So I wanted to make sure that (a) they would give me the pricing because I get special pricing (I think everyone gets special pricing somehow but for the company I worked for). But (b), I wanted to make sure that if I’ve found a car that I really wanted that was at a different dealership, they would make a trade. So two specific questions that I wanted to find out. I emailed. I got a response, literally, like two hours later. It was great.
Now, here’s where it got weird. I got a response from let’s just say the guy’s name, the title of the email was from Bob. The sender was Bob. The signature was Steve. So my questions were not answered. The answer I got was, “Great news, that car is not available but we can find you a better one.” They ignored the other questions that I had.
Jon Dwoskin: Right.
Scott Fishman: I responded. I said, “Hey, it would be great if you could actually answer my questions that I asked you. By the way, am I emailing Bob or Steve?”
Jon Dwoskin: Right. As a consumer, you got that. How, I mean, and we’ve talked about it with the Seven Minute Sales Minute Listeners Community. We’ve talked a lot about this. It started out simple, right. It was easy. You kind of found the process solid. How frustrated, on a scale from one to ten was it to get such a mishmash of an email?
Scott Fishman: It was a little frustrating.
Jon Dwoskin: From an experienced standpoint.
Scott Fishman: Knowing I deal, that’s right in my wheelhouse, I deal with a lot of online stuff. I’m very very, very careful with the emails that I respond to and the way I send them, make sure they’re worded properly, answer the questions. Make sure it’s actually from the person that’s supposed to be sending the email. So I’m very careful with how that comes off because I think professionally, they lost points right there and then.
Jon Dwoskin: Yeah. Yeah.
Scott Fishman: So here’s where it gets even better, Jon. It gets way better.
Jon Dwoskin: Well, I don’t want to interrupt your flow but do we give a fix there or should we wait ’til the end?
Scott Fishman: Well, the fix is number one. I mean, here’s a simple one. If I, Scott Fishman, am sending an email and it says, “From Scott Fishman,” the signature line should be my signature. How’s that?
Jon Dwoskin: Yeah. Right.
Scott Fishman: It’s fairly simple.
Jon Dwoskin: Absolutely. But yeah, no, absolutely simple. But also, it’s a good fix to make sure you’re looking at any email or correspondence that you send three times, four times, five times. Sometimes write it, walk away, walk back. Make sure when you cut and paste something because it sounds like maybe somebody cut and pasted somebody else’s stuff …
Scott Fishman: Right.
Jon Dwoskin: That you actually read it and review it. Give it an extra set of eyes.
Scott Fishman: And you answer the questions.
Jon Dwoskin: Absolutely.
Scott Fishman: I catch myself doing this all the time. I’ll respond to an email. Then two minutes later, I’ll realize I didn’t answer one of their questions. So I go back. I think maybe sometimes I do this on purpose and say, “Oh, Jon, by the way, I know you asked this other question. I wanted to get in front of you and answer that for you real quick.” That gets me in front of them twice. I hit their eyeballs twice in their inbox.
Jon Dwoskin: Smart.
Scott Fishman: But …
Jon Dwoskin: Yeah.
Scott Fishman: I also make sure that I answer their questions because they obviously asked them for a reason.
Jon Dwoskin: Right, good. Wow. Okay, good. Lots of fixes. Okay. Take all of our listeners to the next, next stage.
Scott Fishman: Yeah. The next stage is literally so incremental. I responded to the email. I said, “Hey. Just out of curiosity, can you answer my questions because I really want to know? What is good about this car not being in stock? How is that good news?” So I got a response again. This time, from let’s just say it was Steve. But the signature line was of the manager – the general manager of the dealership.
Jon Dwoskin: Again, a mix-up of the sale.
Scott Fishman: Yeah, unacceptable, right?
Jon Dwoskin: Unacceptable.
Scott Fishman: But no contact information for that general manager.
Jon Dwoskin: I hate when that happens. Why put your name if you’re not going to put your phone number?
Scott Fishman: Right.
Jon Dwoskin: Or your email. Yeah.
Scott Fishman: I went ahead. I was like, “Okay. I still want to buy from this dealership,” because they’re right down the street. If I have to service a car, I want to use them. I’ve used them in the past. The service station is great, or service center, whatever. So I respond back to this email. I went out of my way. I went on the company website, the dealership. I found the email for the general manager who had the signature without an email address. I responded. I said, “By the way, you should put your email address in your signature. I also am not sure that your signature was on this email I received from one of your sales people.”
Jon Dwoskin: Right.
Scott Fishman: “Can you answer my questions?” Very simple, right?
Jon Dwoskin: Very simple. I just want to say one thing.
Scott Fishman: Yeah.
Jon Dwoskin: It is so frustrating to me when people don’t have their email and/or phone number on a signature and they just have their name. In today’s world, if you’re not ready to talk to anybody and be open to communication, that’s to me a huge strike against you. I mean, you need to be easily accessible and because the truth is, you put that on a thousand emails, maybe one person will call you.
Scott Fishman: Right.
Jon Dwoskin: If there’s ever a complaint, how adding to the frustration is it that you had to figure out how to connect with this guy. So to me, that’s a fix right there.
Scott Fishman: Absolutely.
Jon Dwoskin: Yeah.
Scott Fishman: In the online world, it’s crazy. I don’t know if you’ve ever had to call Amazon. You can’t. There are a lot of companies that just hide the email.
Jon Dwoskin: Right. They actually hide it. Although with Amazon, and I don’t know if … I haven’t done this in a while, but they used to have it where you could click on something and they would call you right away.
Scott Fishman: Yes, absolutely.
Jon Dwoskin: Do they still have that?
Scott Fishman: I think so. I meant, they hide the phone number, not the email.
Jon Dwoskin: Oh yeah, yeah.
Scott Fishman: They always give you a way to contact them electronically ASAP.
Jon Dwoskin: Yeah. But you’re right, it’s hard. Okay, so go ahead. What happened next?
Scott Fishman: Well, it was great. Within an hour, guess who called me? The general manager.
Jon Dwoskin: The manager. Yeah.
Scott Fishman: Like, “I’m sorry.” He’s like, “I don’t know what this is.” He’s like, “It sounds like you do this for a living.” He found out where I worked. He’s like, apparently his son-in-law works with me, so it was kind of cool. He’s like, “We’re definitely not as high tech as you are. Forgive me.” I was like, I wanted to push and be like, “There’s no freaking excuse for the sloppiness of the emails with the different names and everything because that’s just common sense.” But I didn’t push it. I didn’t want to be that guy just yet.
Jon Dwoskin: Yeah. I get it.
Scott Fishman: As salespeople, I think we all need to learn that we need to be better buyers as well sometimes and not always judge.
Jon Dwoskin: That’s a great point. We should talk more about that when you’re done with your story.
Scott Fishman: Absolutely. He made it great. He was like, “You know what? Come in. Here’s who you’re going to talk to. I got it all set up.” So I went in. It was great. I talked to the guy. I test drove the car. He dealt with me. He answered some questions that I might not have had but I figured out that I probably should’ve asked the questions. He did a great job of explaining stuff. We had a few things to go back and forth on whether or not I could get out of my car on time. So we’re kind of left a little bit up in the air. He followed up with me once, which was great. He followed up with me once. Once.
Jon Dwoskin: Why only once?
Scott Fishman: I asked him that question. I said, “Why just once?” I said, “You know I’m working on this, trying to get out of my car.” He’s like, “Well, maybe we could appraise your car for you.” But he never actually moved forward on that. So I’m still with my current car, trying to get out of my lease a couple months early. They came out and appraised my car, did all this stuff. He called me back, he said, “Hey, what happened?”
I let him know I was still waiting. He said, “Hey, I’ll set an appraisal for you, an appraisal for you, in-house, no big deal.” I said, “Better yet, I just got it appraised. Why don’t I send it to you?” He said, “That’s great. Send it to me. I’ll get back to you.”
Jon Dwoskin: Uh-oh.
Scott Fishman: So it was good though. I mean, great. So far-
Jon Dwoskin: Right, so that was good so far. Yeah, I’m nervous about the next part of this story. Okay. So go ahead.
Scott Fishman: The next part of the story, had I not been following up with him, the story would’ve been over.
Jon Dwoskin: Uh-huh.
Scott Fishman: Finally, I called him, I said, “Hey, here’s what happened. I didn’t like the offer I got on my current car. I sent you the appraisal. What did you think?” He’s like, “Oh. I need you to come in and meet with my appraiser.” At that point, I’m like, “Well, why did you even have me send the other one over?” I didn’t bug him. I didn’t push that bruise at all. I just said, “Hey, why wouldn’t you at least have had me come in instead of telling me to send you this thing and then crickets for five days?”
Jon Dwoskin: Right.
Scott Fishman: At this point, how could we fix that? What could we have done possibly, like at this point?
Jon Dwoskin: I mean, well, let me ask you a question. As a consumer, what would you have wanted?
Scott Fishman: Well, first and foremost, I wouldn’t have even said “Yes, send me that information over,” right, because there was no reason for me to send it. He couldn’t use it. Why even send it? He probably wasn’t paying attention to what I was saying. He was not active listening. Something wasn’t clicking.
Jon Dwoskin: Right.
Scott Fishman: Basically, he should’ve said, “Call my appraiser. Come in, have it appraised,” which he didn’t do.
Jon Dwoskin: Or he should’ve said, “Hey, give me your name and phone number. I’m going to have my appraiser call you within the hour,” and giving you that type of experience versus trying to be the middle man and just a waste of time and energy.
Scott Fishman: Right. I like that. Yeah, he could’ve actually given me more of a red carpet treatment. I even was asking for it myself. That’s right.
Jon Dwoskin: Right.
Scott Fishman: Maybe I should value myself more, Jon.
Jon Dwoskin: Yeah. In past podcasts, we’ve talked with our Seven Minute Podcast Community about that concierge service and being that Ritz-Carlton and giving that service, that high-level service. You’ve got this client that is on the other line who is telling you how frustrated he is in a very nice way and how all of these mistakes keep on happening, and yet they can’t get out of themselves to rise above and get out of their mistake. They’re in a funnel of mistakes.
Scott Fishman: Right. At this point, I really haven’t even complained. I haven’t voiced in frustration.
Jon Dwoskin: Yeah, right.
Scott Fishman: I basically said, “I’m buying my car from you. I’ve said it numerous times, I’m buying a car from you. We just need to figure it out.” They keep wanting to drop the ball accidentally. I don’t know. It’s weird.
Jon Dwoskin: So I have a question for you.
Scott Fishman: Yeah.
Jon Dwoskin: Why buy the car from them? Because it’s convenient and close to your house? Yeah.
Scott Fishman: Because their service area is actually amazing. Literally, it’s like three miles from the house.
Jon Dwoskin: Right.
Scott Fishman: So it makes it a hell of a lot easier once I own the car. So that’s a good point.
Jon Dwoskin: Right. So you’re willing to kind of compromise a little bit?
Scott Fishman: Right.
Jon Dwoskin: On the experience for convenience?
Scott Fishman: Yes, exactly.
Jon Dwoskin: Right. Yeah.
Scott Fishman: At this point, now we’re great. I met with the appraiser. He said, “I’m going to give this information to your sales person. He’ll let you know what we find out.” About five days go by. I knew my sales person was out for a day. He had something going on. So I’m like, “Fine. I’m not going to push it. He’ll get to me when he’s ready. I’m not in a hurry. I’ve got this car no matter what. I drive a pretty badass car. So if I don’t turn my lease in today, I’m driving a badass car for another couple of months.”
Jon Dwoskin: Right.
Scott Fishman: He didn’t get back to me for five days. So I dropped him an email. I said, “Hey, it sounds like you might not have good news for me. At this point, I’m fine if I don’t do anything. Just let me know so I can close the book on this.” This was like the 25th of the month. Sales people and car dealers they work on a monthly continuum. So if he wanted to do something, he could’ve made it work.
So I let him know, “Either make it work or just let me know. I’ll close the book on this. We’ll do it again in a month or so.” That’s literally exactly what I said. He did not respond.
Jon Dwoskin: Unbelievable.
Scott Fishman: No response to that.
Jon Dwoskin: I know we’re not saying for the sake of purposes, the type of car that you’re buying. I think it also is a fair thing to say, it’s at a high end brand. It’s a high end car. It’s a high end dealership.
Scott Fishman: Right. Correct.
Jon Dwoskin: Right. Who the hell is training these people?
Scott Fishman: I think we should.
Jon Dwoskin: Right.
Scott Fishman: I’ll tell you, I left my book in the waiting room by the way.
Jon Dwoskin: Good. You should. Seriously, I mean, going back, they’re lucky in your scenario because I know where you’re talking about. But in this scenario, we’re talking about an audience of people like you who will, out of convenience, stay along for the, no pun intended, ride, because of convenience and because of their service department. From a sales perspective, I mean, this needs major fixing because at some point, people are going to get fed up and tired of it.
Scott Fishman: Right. Exactly. So five days went by, no response. A simple cure, we’re saying that we’re going to talk about mistakes they make and how they can cure it. Simple freaking cure is to respond to the email, dummy. It’s that simple. It’s not rocket science.
Jon Dwoskin: Right. Right.
Scott Fishman: So … Go ahead.
Jon Dwoskin: No, no. Did you end up getting the car?
Scott Fishman: Not yet.
Jon Dwoskin: Okay. So what’s the next step?
Scott Fishman: The next step, I’m like, “You know what? Give him a few days.” On the first of the month, I give him the benefit of the doubt. I’m like, “Maybe he was busy to finish his month. He doesn’t want to deal with a tire-kicker like me. I’m fine with that. If I’m not a sale and he doesn’t want to let me know I’m not a sale, he could tell me after the first, when things slow down for him.” On the first of the month, email him again. No response.
Jon Dwoskin: Amazing.
Scott Fishman: It was crazy.
Jon Dwoskin: So what did you do at that point?
Scott Fishman: You know what I did is I literally waited 24 hours. I’m like, “I’m just going to email him again and let him know that I’m done for now and I’m going to assume that we’re done.” So literally, I emailed him again. I’m like, “I want to make sure this is an active email address for you. I’m not emailing the wrong box.” I gave him an out, right?
Jon Dwoskin: Right.
Scott Fishman: “I just want to make sure this email works. You never got back to me. Where do we stand?” Finally, he picked up the phone and called me. He’s like, “I’m sorry. Super busy, end of the month.” He had all the excuses. I said, “Listen, man. It’s okay. Like I said, if I’m not going to be a sale for you, that’s fine just let me know. Then deal with the clients that you’re making money with this month. I’m good with that. I’m in sales. I understand but at least let me know.”
Jon Dwoskin: Let’s just talk about a fix for a minute. I hate when salespeople say, “I’m so busy.” That’s the kiss of death because you’re never too busy to call back a buyer, especially one that is screaming from the rooftops that, “Hey, I want to buy from you.” You’re almost begging that person to buy. To me, Seven Minute listeners, don’t ever do that. Fish, you’re a mensch. I understand the convenience element of it, but it’s still not a way to grow your business.
Scott Fishman: Absolutely.
Jon Dwoskin: This guy’s going to get the sale even though he did everything wrong. Sometimes I mean, listen, I think you and I both have been in the position where we’ve done a lot wrong and still gotten a sale.
Scott Fishman: Yeah.
Jon Dwoskin: But the intent wasn’t to do what this guy’s done. Customer service, number one, absolutely number one. To me, a non-negotiable is you return every call. You return every email by midnight of everyday. I mean, hands down absolutely.
Scott Fishman: Yeah.
Jon Dwoskin: If you’re too busy, email somebody. Hey, been in this all day. I’ll call you first thing tomorrow morning. Number one way for your business to fail.
Scott Fishman: Yeah, absolutely.
Jon Dwoskin: I guarantee you, this guy … Yeah, so sorry. Any thoughts?
Scott Fishman: No. You hit the nail on the head because we talked about it with clients too, with customers. Too busy is not an excuse. Too busy just means you have poor time management because especially if it’s just to respond to an email, shoot me a text. With a text message you don’t have to really worry about a response because I’m not going to up a dialogue and be like, “LOL. What are you doing for dinner?” Okay. There’s the answer. It is what it is. It’s not difficult to return an email, return a phone call, return a text. It’s that simple.
Jon Dwoskin: I think another fix is when you have a brand that is so strong that you’re working for; that is, it will ultimately catch up with you if you have this type of level of client experience and service. No matter how strong the brand is, you have to remember that you also have your own internal brand because you may love this dealership, but I guarantee, you’re never going to refer this guy a client ever.
Scott Fishman: Right. You’re absolutely right about that.
Jon Dwoskin: The clientele that’s buying your car, they live and breathe on referral business. I mean, if I were going to buy that type of car, you would be one of the first people. I’d call you. I’d call AC. I’d say, “Who’s your guy?”
Scott Fishman: Yeah.
Jon Dwoskin: If you telling the story, I would say, “All right. I’m not using that guy.” I mean, I’m absolutely not. These people regardless how great they’re in, the position they’re in because of the brand that they’re selling, if they don’t understand the power of their own internal brand, they will fail. This is a great story of everything not to do.
Scott Fishman: Right. I agree.
Jon Dwoskin: Right.
Scott Fishman: We touched on this for a second. I don’t want this to be like me just be whiny about a situation I had.
Jon Dwoskin: No. We’re dissecting this situation for our listeners to become better salespeople and wake up a little bit.
Scott Fishman: Exactly. I think one thing that we touched on is, as salespeople, being better buyers. There’s this one scene in Boiler Room, I don’t know when the last time you saw Boiler Room was.
Jon Dwoskin: It’s been a bit, but yeah.
Scott Fishman: He’s eating breakfast. The newspaper calls him. He critiques the person’s sale pitch. He works with them on the sales pitch. They’re still on the New York Post I think. Then he’s like, “No, thanks. I get The Times.” Hangs up. Sometimes, as salespeople, we like doing that and dissecting it. I think we can be better buyers. We don’t need to just be dissecting every single part of the sale. We don’t need to dissect everything. I’ve heard people say that salespeople want to buy, they don’t want to be sold. I think that’s true, 100%. But we don’t need to be so hard on people. This guy was just dropping the ball so badly.
Jon Dwoskin: Right.
Scott Fishman: I basically want to call the manager and be like, “Listen, you set me up with this guy. You said he was one of your best guys. I’m coming back to buy my car. I want to buy it from the worst guy because it can’t get much worse than this. I want to see what your worst guy does.”
Jon Dwoskin: Well, maybe you should do that. Listen, that dealership is going to sell you the car regardless if this guy sells it to you or not. I mean, would you go to the manager and say, “Hey, listen. I’m not going to buy my car from this guy. I mean, it was too much work for me.”
Scott Fishman: I’ll see what he does.
Jon Dwoskin: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, because on the flip side, everybody deserves a second chance, maybe even a third.
Scott Fishman: Right.
Jon Dwoskin: Maybe on the flip side, he did have a bad day. I think also, I agree with you about being better buyers. We also have to sometimes not have to chase like you’re chasing.
Scott Fishman: Exactly. Because I’m chasing them to actually do the sale. Long story short is I can get out of my lease in two months which will still be a few months earlier. I’ll see what his follow up is over the next couple of months. If he follows up, he gets a sale. If he doesn’t, I walk in with a mustache on and buy it from someone else.
Jon Dwoskin: I’ll share with you my experience of buying cars is much different. I use a car broker. I’ve driven the same car. I’m number six of my car. I drive a Jeep Limited. All I do is I call my car broker, his name is John. I tell him, “I’m ready to turn in my lease.” He drops off. He sends out an appraiser. They appraise my car, wherever I am. He then drives the new car over to me. Picks up the old car and takes it away.
Scott Fishman: The red carpet treatment, like we’re talking about.
Jon Dwoskin: It’s awesome. It is great. I don’t have to test drive the car because I keep on getting the same exact car.
Scott Fishman: Yeah. You’ve had the same car for 20 years. There’s nothing like that.
Jon Dwoskin: I know, I know. I love it. I love it. Although I have been wanting … Our buddy drives a Tesla. I have been kind of thinking, God, maybe in the three, four, five years, I’ll buy a Tesla. Those are pretty cool cars.
Scott Fishman: I can see you doing that.
Jon Dwoskin: I know. Anyway, so how can we be a better buyer? Let’s talk about that for a little bit because I think that’s smart. How do we pay attention to other salespeople and learn from them like we did this story and not become a nightmare buyer? If we want to give that advice and help somebody because sometimes I think salespeople don’t give other salespeople advice on the fly to other salespeople if they’re having a bad experience.
Scott Fishman: Right. Well, I think part of being a better buyer is just sitting back and relaxing and not enjoying the process of buying but you don’t have to overthink it. You don’t have to worry about, “He should’ve showed me this at this time,” or “He should’ve done this.” I mean, enjoy the experience of buying your item, whatever it is.
Whether it’s lettuce or a six-pack of beer or a car or a stereo system or a watch. Just go through it and enjoy the process. Let it happen to you. If you see something that can be changed, maybe let him know afterwards but you don’t have to critique everything throughout the process.
Jon Dwoskin: I’ll share a story with you. There’s a new gas station with a party store that’s incredible. It’s on Woordward just north of 13 Mile. It’s Saroki’s Pizza, Shell Gas Station?
Scott Fishman: Yeah.
Jon Dwoskin: It’s a beautiful party store. Yeah. They have a family in there that they make all fresh food. They have a juice bar, fresh food, I’m obsessed with it. I mean, I literally am there every day or every other day, getting food for myself and my family. We order a ton. I become friends with the owner of the food area. He asked me. I was with my son. The guy asked me for some feedback. He’s a great sales guy. I mean, when you’re there, he’s like, “Hey, you’re waiting a few minutes. Take a sample of this. Take a sample.’
He’s handing out samples of everything and, “Here’s a piece of chicken. He’s a piece of pizza.” It’s actually kind of brilliant because their food is so good that every time people take a bite, they’re like, “Give me more. Give me more.” Then they’re paying for it. So it’s great marketing but they’re just good warm people. So we eat there so much, he had said to me in front of my son, “Hey Jon, is there anything that you haven’t liked over the last couple of weeks?” I said, “There is one thing I didn’t like, since you’re asking, there is a salad that we got that we didn’t really love.”
I said, “It had too much parsley in it. The dressing, we didn’t really care for. But outside of that, everything’s a ten out of ten.” He’s like, “Thanks. I really appreciate that feedback,” da, da, da. My son, Jacob said to me, “Dad, why did you tell him that? That was kind of mean.” I mean, I told him in a very nice way. I said, “Sweetie, it wasn’t mean. He really wanted feedback. I wasn’t sitting there to tell him about all of his food. But if you have a relationship with someone and they ask you for a feedback, then I wanted to give him some.
So he wanted to know for the sake of the food. He wanted to know from a sales standpoint. He wanted to know for just a lot of reasons. I’m giving the summary of the conversation. I think it’s important that we don’t sit there and just give feedback always but when people ask for feedback, that we give them honest feedback.
Scott Fishman: Yeah. Feedback is a gift for sure.
Jon Dwoskin: Yeah.
Scott Fishman: It’s like Jacob asked, “Why did you tell him?” It’s like if you have a booger hanging out of your nose, you want someone to tell you, “Hey, you got a booger. Fix it.”
Jon Dwoskin: Yeah. I mean, it makes it better. When I give talks or give workshops and if I’m talking to companies, whatever it is, I’m always asking them, “Hey, any feedback?” A lot of times, they’ll give me some feedback that helps me grow whether it’s hey, you should’ve had more energy at this part or make sure that you do this or the next send.
Every time I get feedback, it fuels me up. So I guess in summary, what I’m saying is maybe you need to sit down with this guy at your dealer and really give him some good feedback because he needs your wisdom and advice because you have a skillset that he needs to grow.
Scott Fishman: Yeah. For sure.
Jon Dwoskin: Yeah.
Scott Fishman: I’ll be like, “Hey, you got a few hours? Because we need to have a talk.”
Jon Dwoskin: So is there more to the story? Anything else? Because I think it’s a great story for the listeners to hear.
Scott Fishman: No. Really that was it, I wanted to point out these things that we can fix that I know we all do. I mean, there’s been times where like I said, I’ve caught myself sending an email and being like, “I answered one question and they had three.”
Jon Dwoskin: Yeah.
Scott Fishman: I know that I’m going to get an email back in like 20 minutes saying, “What are my other two? What are the answers?” Because it happened to me before.
Jon Dwoskin: Yeah. That is so great. Answer the question at hand. Well, I have something to talk about. Today is a very monumental day. It has been a couple of years in the making. Today, I think, Fish, that we officially have a Seven Minute Sales Minute podcast community because today is episode, I’ll let you say it.
Scott Fishman: 50?
Jon Dwoskin: Absolutely.
Scott Fishman: All right.
Jon Dwoskin: This is Episode 50. We’re not including Episode 0. This is a monumental day and a monumental podcast recording. I’m pretty proud of both of us that we got to 50 podcasts because I think every ten, we were kind of like, “Should we keep on doing this?”
Scott Fishman: Yeah, for sure.
Jon Dwoskin: One of us was like, “I don’t know if I want to do this anymore.” We have a blast doing it. It’s been great doing it with you. I’m excited for the next 50. I hope everybody who’s listening in the Seven Minute Sales Minute Podcast Community is getting a lot of it. I was telling Fish this the other day I was at a meeting and someone was quoting Fish back to me. I was doing an annual meeting for clients. There was about nine people in the room. One of the sales guys kept on saying, “Like Fish said in the podcast, like Fish said in the podcast.”
Scott Fishman: No autographs please.
Jon Dwoskin: It was great. It was great. That’s why we do it. We do it (1) to hang out and just spend time yakking it up, and (2) most importantly, the higher meaning of all of this is to share great content and best practices and skillsets with people all over the world, all over the universe, all over the country and hopefully make better salespeople with some of the things that we share and hope that it helps and changes the world and makes it a better place, and adds to everybody’s bottom line.
Scott Fishman: Yeah, make the world a better place for you and me.
Speaker 3: You have the world.
Jon Dwoskin: Any thoughts, Fish?
Scott Fishman: Yeah. I think we’re talking about feedback being a gift. I would love one thing. We kind of talked about in the very beginning of the podcast, please give us reviews on iTunes. I don’t know if you guys know this, but for every five-star review on iTunes, Apple gives us $10,000. So we want to raise a million dollars for charity.
No. I’m just kidding. We don’t get any money for any of these reviews but feedback is a gift. We want to make sure that we’re doing the right thing. So please, give us reviews. If there’s something you don’t like, let us know. If there’s something you love, let us know twice. So we feel better about ourselves. So please, drop us a review on iTunes. It definitely does help us in the ratings. It makes us look better. Plus, our picture’s pretty cool up there now.
Jon Dwoskin: I think so too. I will say this, Fish, one of the things, feedback for you and I, I don’t think we really ever ask enough for feedback for people to give reviews. We don’t really ask for reviews. We’re going to start asking for reviews because it’s great to just build that community.
I think the next 50 shows are going to be committed to continually building the Seven Minute Sales Minute Podcast Community and giving you exactly what you need to grow your business, grow your sales, grow your pipeline and all that other great stuff. Not only reviews, but email us on topics that you want us to talk about. We may even have you on as a guest. If it’s something that makes sense.
Scott Fishman: Absolutely.
Jon Dwoskin: Yeah.
Scott Fishman: With that-
Jon Dwoskin: So thanks.
Scott Fishman: Thank you.
Jon Dwoskin: I was just going to say thanks to all the listeners and the people who have committed 50 basically Masters’ classes for you to grow your sales. Fish, it’s been a blast. I can’t wait for the next 50.
Scott Fishman: Yes. Cheers, buddy.
Jon Dwoskin: Cheers.
Scott Fishman: Have a good day, everybody.