On today’s episode, we are joined by recurring revenue master and host of The Recurring Revenews Podcast, Dean Patino.
With decades of experience as an enterpreneur, Dean is a wealth of knowledge. Listen in as we pick his brain.
His company, Dollar Baseball Club, serves as proof that Dean leads by example and that he definitely practices what he preaches.
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Thank you for joining us for another episode of The Seven Minute Sales Minute podcast, your bite-sized and easy-to-digest guide to jump-starting your sales career and putting you on the road to gaining more prospects, more clients, more business, and ultimately more income.
On today’s episode, we’re joined by a recurring revenue master and host of the Recurring ReveNEWS podcast, Dean Patino. With decades of experience as an entrepreneur, Dean is a wealth of knowledge. Listen in as we pick his brain. His company, Dollar Baseball Club, serves as proof that Dean leads by example and that he definitely practices what he preaches. Now, here’s our interview with Dean Patino.
Dean, why don’t we start by you telling our listeners who might not already be familiar with who you are or what you’re doing a little bit about you.
Dean Patino: Sure. Well, for me I have been an entrepreneur since 1987, but I’ve also been in the technology industry since 1990 selling to a Fortune 500 company, so I’ve really got pretty extensive background with both being an entrepreneur and on the technology side, in particular software and selling into large companies. Most recently, my focus has been on the entrepreneur front with recurring revenue and helping other entrepreneurs, because I spent the past two and half years or so inside a Mastermind with John Lee Dumas – he founded Fire Nation Elite – and his partner Kate Erickson, to work with various entrepreneurs and then ran that for the past year-and-a-half in teaming with John.
The recurring revenue focus is there because I see generating revenue for entrepreneurs as the number one problem. To me, it’s as clear as day, and in particular when I looked at and studied entrepreneurs that have done very well … I’m talking about all kinds, not just entrepreneurs in, let’s say, the online world, but any kind of business or large companies, it’s generating recurring revenue. These are the ones that become the wealthiest, and that doesn’t mean it’s the only way to do it, but when you look across the board, recurring revenue is by far the reason why so many do so well.
The thing is that, at least in my experience, and talking with others who have been in this recurring revenue space as well, it’s probably somewhere about five percent or certainly less than ten percent of entrepreneurs generate a dime of recurring revenue. Most of it is selling a one-off transaction product or service and then going back and selling it again and again. That’s why I wanted to focus in on this, to help entrepreneurs overcome this big challenge of generating revenue, number one, but specifically I wanted to focus in just on the recurring revenue piece, because to me that’s where they can become the wealthiest.
Scott Fishman: It’s interesting, entrepreneurs, I think we think of them as so forward thinking. What holds them back in this space? What holds an entrepreneur back to saying, “Do I have great products? Do I have the understanding of how to create something the people would want to buy on a recurring month over month?” What holds people back from doing this?
Dean Patino: There’s typically a couple of things that I see that hold them back. Number one is one that I’m sure you and the audience is very familiar with, and that is the mindset. The mindset that believes that they can do it. That they can be successful. This is easily the number one challenge, especially if they haven’t sold anything before. That is a very difficult thing for people to overcome even when you give them help, even when you give them tools, even when you give them training, even when they buy the training themselves. They make the investment of a thousand dollars here, however much they spend on it, they still have the mindset challenges, so that’s by far number one.
Number two for sure is innovation. It’s one thing to create a product, once you’ve finally come over that hump that, “I can actually do this,” but it’s another thing then to not innovate and just have the same old product or service out there and not come up with new ones every single year, which also is holding people back because even when, like I said, they have that mindset then they overcome it, then they become stale with their innovation, and that’s any industry. If you’re not innovating every day, your competition is and you’re falling behind, and you’re eventually not going to be selling even when you believe you can sell.
Jon Dwoskin: Right. Let me ask you a question. When it comes to being innovative, putting the word “innovative” and “complacent”, which is what you’re saying, in the same sentence for an entrepreneur, that’s going to be pretty frustrating. I would imagine some of these entrepreneurs who have the idea, they get to a point where they get so frustrated they just give up. I know, Dean, you have a program that you’re launching relatively soon. How do you get them over the hump? Give some advice, you’re an expert at teaching people this.
Dean Patino: Thanks, Jon. The main thing is that it’s them talking to other people that have been there and done that and that can give them that advice and some coaching there in knowing that they are on the right path. Having a positive frame of mind for them and helping them with that is really important. You have to be really positive and supportive, but of course very realistic, too, to help cut to the chase in terms of what needs to be done, what will work, what won’t work.
Those are things that are really important to help them overcome that mindset by, again, letting them know, “This is what works, this is how to do it. Here’s how others have done it.” By showing them examples, showing examples of what you’ve done, what others have done, which is why the Recurring ReveNEWS podcast I do is so important for people, I believe, because I’m showing them examples, and now we have hundreds of examples, of businesses that are generating recurring revenue. We can point to these examples, “See, these folks have done this too, and this company has, and this entrepreneur has, and here’s how they’ve done it. That gives them the confidence, and when they have the confidence, that changes everything. When you help people with that confidence.
Scott Fishman: Yeah, we see that a lot where folks get right to where they want to be or right to the edge of where they want to be. They’re entrepreneurs and they want to succeed, but they don’t actually take that step that it takes to succeed, so I think that’s actually a great answer there. Dean, what are three things that people can do right now to start the process of creating a recurring online business?
Dean Patino: The first thing I would do is I would model after someone else or some other company or entrepreneur that’s already doing something that you really want to get into. I’d model after them. Tony Robbins talks about this, but this has been talked about by so many other people. As opposed to trying to figure it out all on your own and be the one that’s creating the wheel, look at what’s already out there. Then you want to, of course, solve a problem. You probably have heard this many times. I’m sure you guys have, but you have to then solve a problem.
Again, I would solve that problem by mirroring somebody that’s already solving it, at least the look and feel. I’ll give you a quick example here. When I rolled out one of the recent recurring revenue products that I came out with, and this was for the other business I have, the baseball board game business, I decided to come out with a subscription box. Well, I didn’t invent subscription boxes or the concept of it. They’ve been out there and they’re doing incredibly well, generating literally billions of dollars in the market today.
I needed to then model after another company that was already doing a really good job with it. What I decided to do, and I thought again, “If you can do this for a baseball board game, you could do this for anything as far as a subscription box.” I modeled after Dollar Shave Club. Even the name. So, Dollar Baseball Club is named because Dollar Shave Club. I thought, “Why try to be clever?” I thought of different names at first, this club, that club, or even different names that didn’t have the word “club” in it. I thought, “Dollar Shave Club.” Of course, a baseball board game I’m going to be gearing my niche towards males, not females. Dollar Shave Club, of course, is going after males. I thought, “There’s a good model to go after. These folks have gone crazy with success with their model.”
When you come up with that idea of, “Okay, what’s my solution going to be?” Then go mirror after somebody that already has a model out there.” That’s the first thing I would do. The solution, then model after somebody that’s already doing it. When you look at dollarbaseballclub.com and dollarshaveclub.com, you’ll see a lot of very same looks and feels across the board, and it saves you a lot of time, too, and it’s proven. You don’t have to wonder, “Is this going to really work?” You know it’s going to work.
Jon Dwoskin: Right. Sorry, go ahead.
Dean Patino: No, go ahead, Jon.
Jon Dwoskin: I would say the same. What you’re saying is so simplistic and yet so brilliant, and I think that’s what makes it difficult for some entrepreneurs to absorb, because don’t reinvent the wheel. Pick your niche of what you’re really good at and the problems that you can solve for people, and then see what everybody else is doing. You mentioned just modeling it. I just finished a book and it’s called Steal Like an Artist. I don’t know if you ever read it, by Austin Kleon. One of the things he talks about is stealing from other people and then making it your own with your special sauce.
Dean Patino: Absolutely, yeah. I’m a big proponent of that for sure. You brought up a really good point there too about niching. Jon, you and I have talked about this before, but niching is so important as well, especially when we’re talking about recurring revenue and this whole subscription economy that Zuora has nicknamed and has really stuck out there. This really is for any business, but you want to niche because people buy from the authorities, and when you niche you become an authority. Then again, you go solve that problem for folks as that authority. You want to pick that niche too, and then go model after somebody. You notice in the case when I brought up the baseball board game example, I didn’t necessarily mean you have to go model after a competitor. It could be someone else’s business model, the way they go about things, that you’re mirroring and modeling. That’s the first thing I would do is that.
The second thing that I would do is, you have to make sure that your solution has unique business value, because if not you’re not going to get very far at all. By unique business value, I mean that your product or service is doing things that others are not able to do. That’s why it’s, of course, unique. Specifically, you’re doing some things within your offer that are faster, better, and/or cheaper. By cheaper I don’t necessarily only mean price. It could mean price, but cheaper means that you could be lowering the cost of what it takes for somebody to spend on whatever it is that they’re doing that you’re going to be solving for them. You make it cheaper for them in terms of lowering that price.
Unique business value is so important. You should have at least, I’d say, two things, but I could see three different elements of a business that has unique business value that you’re offering. Within your product, each feature that you’re offering should have unique … Two to three of them should have unique business value. You might have, let’s say, ten features to a product that you might put on a sales page, and at least seven of them everybody’s going to pretty much say the same kind of thing. You want to make sure you have at least two to three of them that are just what you do, and nobody else does it better, faster. Notice the and/or there, the and/or cheaper. If you get all three within one feature, you’re hitting a home run. That’s the second thing I would do is to make sure that it stands out. Again, I’ve seen this for decades now. This is a key to success when you’re able to deliver this in your product or service offering.
The third thing you need to do, of course, if you could have the greatest niche, the greatest innovation, the greatest unique business value, but if nobody knows about it, it just doesn’t matter. You’ve got to market it, and you have to go exactly where that niche is at. The more time that you can spend by just getting right in front of where they only hang out, the better off you’ll be has been my experience, as opposed to … Let’s say, for example, on Facebook, you can go market, which people do really great and have made millions of dollars marketing on Facebook, and a lot of people have really struggled with it, too. You can do targeting, so by targeting you’re picking out, say, people that just read the Wall Street Journal or whatever it is. You’re narrowing that focus, but those people that are going to Facebook could also be looking at other things, too, why they go to Facebook. They’re not there just because of the one niche. It’s still good to do that, but if you can go …
Let’s say for example if you have a business, I don’t know guys, pick an example of any business. Let’s walk through it real quick. Any business. Just pick any one.
Jon Dwoskin: Let’s pick a business. We’re in Detroit, so selling cars.
Dean Patino: Selling cars. Selling cars, is that what you said, Jon?
Jon Dwoskin: Yes.
Dean Patino: Okay. If you create cars. If you’re that kind of an amazing entrepreneur, you’re the next Ford, then what you’d want to do is sure, within Facebook, and let’s say you’re going to advertise to people that like Fords and like this and all that. If you go to a car show, that’s what I’m talking about, and maybe you sponsor a booth there, you know those people that are there, they’re only there because of the car show. There’s no other distraction. When you market, it’s good to put yourself exactly where your ideal audience is focused and hanging out, and where your ads show up or where your presence is, or go to conferences and speak at those kind of conferences. That’s what I’m talking about. That’s the third thing that’s so important to do, because when you market like that, those three things together that we just talked about are going to be a winner every time.
Jon Dwoskin: Dean, you do such a great job of breaking things down for your clients, for listeners. I just want to share with everybody, Dean’s podcast is my hands-down favorite podcast. It’s called Recurring ReveNEWS. One of the reasons it’s so incredible is because what you do, and I’ll let you go into a little bit about more detail, but take all these ideas of what other people are doing around the country and all these different products, and then you break down basically what they’re doing, how they’re doing it, and how it applies to the listener so they can then hopefully apply it within their world to get on the track of getting some recurring revenue into their business.
You want to talk a little bit about your podcast? I just think it’s something that everybody should be listening to. That ninety-five percent of people who aren’t doing recurring revenue and the five percent who are, they could probably do it better.
Dean Patino: Thanks, Jon, and you’ve been with me early on and been incredibly supportive, so thanks so much. I really started the Recurring ReveNEWS podcast just in November. November 1st is when it launched of 2015, so it’s only been out for a couple and a half months, but we are definitely getting more and more downloads every day, and the whole gist of the Recurring ReveNEWS podcast, I came up with this concept of, most podcasts if it’s a solo show that’s great and people are talking about, maybe they’re giving some training advice about something, but most podcasts are interviewing folks, which is great. Again, that’s great. I just knew for me to be able to help as many, which is my goal, help as many entrepreneurs as I can generate recurring revenue, I wouldn’t have the time to interview entrepreneurs that are generating recurring revenue and go help as many as I possibly could at the same time.
When I say help as many as I can, I mean very specifically give them the kind of attention they need. Down to the detail of what they’re selling and how to do it to generate recurring revenue. John Lee Dumas, who I mentioned earlier, again, he’s the founder of Entrepreneur on Fire, and John has been on fire ever since. He does a seven day a week podcast, and he interviews entrepreneurs. He’s got well over eleven hundred now, all these shows in a row, but I thought, “What can I do that’s like that?” I thought, “Well, as opposed to lining up all those interviews, I could go find those folks but in article form, and then be able to take what was happening out there and pull out the gold from it and be able to share it with the listening audience so they know exactly what to do to either create market and/or sell subscription offers in their business.”
I’m focused in on the online business, helping those entrepreneurs in the online business world, to generate recurring revenue streams. The format of the podcast is this: It starts off with a recurring revenue what I call “quiz question of the day”. That quiz question I take based off of something I’ve already covered in one of the other shows that I’ve done, so it’s to help reinforce a really key point, and I turn it into a question. Usually it’s a multiple choice. After I state the question, I don’t give the answer just then, but then I get into – at a minimum – three top stories that day. I research all of these stories. Again, like I say, we’ve done hundreds now. We have well over a thousand different tips.
Within each story, we give at least three actionable tips to help you create market and/or sell subscription offers in your business. Again, actionable tips that you could use. These are pulled out based on what these folks are doing in these articles, so I’m sharing it, really curating that content and pulling it out, making it much easier for folks. These articles are published over at recurringrevenews.com. When I say the articles, we create our front end to the article. We always have the link to the original article as well, and we also share what may be surprising to you about that article. I’m using that information to inspire the listeners to know, “Wow, I didn’t know that I could do that, or these guys are doing that, or there’s this much money in this industry.”
I just covered an article the other day which was really cool about fresh meal kits. That industry’s a billion dollar industry today, but they project in the next several years it’s going to be a five billion dollar industry to deliver fresh meal kits to people. I was saying, “If you’re listening to the show and you’re wondering how I can start generating recurring revenue and you’re a foodie of any type, if you either love food, you’re a chef, you’re a cook or anything like that, you can create your own fresh meal kits.” You listen to the tips we gave on that particular podcast and in that article, which are all there for free at recurringrevenews.com, you could be off to the races and be generating recurring revenue.
I cover three articles with minimum of three tips within each article that are actionable tips. That’s my way of “interviewing” an entrepreneur, and saves me a lot of time because of course the articles are generated, that content’s there, pull out that gold. Then I give a quote of the day that is relevant to the subscription industry, more inspiration. Then of course we wrap things up with the answer to the recurring revenue quiz question of the day to help reinforce something that somebody can do in their business, be it retention, how to retain those subscribers, those members, or gain more, all those kinds of things.
We’re excited about it. I do have a team of folks that I’ve trained for the last several months. I still go and find all the articles myself, and then I send them the links to the articles each day, then they create our version of the articles themselves. Then, of course, since I’ve read the articles and I take that content and then put that all in the podcast. It enables me to, in a short period of time, be able to generate this podcast five days a week, provide value to help entrepreneurs out, and then still be able to, with the rest of my time, help more entrepreneurs out one-on-one or in group format.
Jon Dwoskin: Outstanding. You’re talking about the fresh food industry going from one to five billion dollars. There’s an article I read many years ago, I actually sent it out to my clients in my end-of-year email. I’ll shoot it to you. It was an article that I read in 2012, and what it talks about is that by 2020, three-quarters of the S&P 500 will be companies that no one had ever heard of yet, meaning that within the next eight years (this was in 2012), there were going to be that many new businesses that were going to take the space of the S&P. Just what you’re saying. There is so much opportunity out there. The opportunity, usually, there’s a high percentage of those opportunities going to the entrepreneur, because only an entrepreneur can start and ramp up a company that quickly. I love what you had to say about that. That’s unbelievable stat.
Dean Patino: No doubt about that. I’ll look forward to that article. Thanks, Jon, in advance. The key thing too to know is what’s happening. We all see it in front of us, and that is the disruption that’s going on in the business world. That’s from the subscription economy. It’s all these companies that are now turning to that. You look at a leader like Amazon Prime. Walmart has already proven it, as many companies have before them, or Target, or several, that you can go sell the customers over and over again and have them come back every week, every month, whatever the case is and sell them every single time.
Then you look at Amazon. Amazon with their Amazon Prime subscription-based membership that they have, they are crushing Walmart and Target, and those stores are now starting to really suffer amongst many others because of Amazon’s model that’s a subscription-based model generating so much revenue. In just the third week of December alone, they brought in three million new members. Just the third week of December. Wouldn’t Walmart want three million new subscribers paying them, I think it was seventy-nine dollars a month? I mean, imagine that revenue.
Look at Apple Music. They just did, within less than six months, what it took Spotify six years to do. You see the disruption that’s going on, it’s because of the subscriptions that are being offered out there. You look at Uber, compared to taxis and the other kinds of transportation, it just goes on and on. It’s exciting, and that’s why I’m excited to share it with entrepreneurs and to help them do that. In working with John Lee Dumas so closely over the past several years, there’s a lot of things he stands for, and one of them is abundance. By abundance we mean, there’s plenty to go around for everybody. Just because one person, let’s say, creates a membership site and they’re offering training, it doesn’t mean other people can’t do it and be incredibly successful as well. There’s plenty to go around, so that’s why I want to help as many entrepreneurs as I can, just like he’s done.
Scott Fishman: Right. Dean, it’s great to see how excited you get when you talk about this stuff and the subscriptions. You mentioned that this kind of sprung from a conversation or something from your Mastermind with John Lee Dumas. What led you to that “aha” moment, that “eureka” moment, that this was it?
Dean Patino: Well, it really all started when I joined the Mastermind with John. Again, I was a member at the time. We weren’t teaming because I had just joined, but one of the first things that a number of us talked about was, “Hey, let’s launch a new business.” Everybody would do their own business. It was a lot of talk for the first couple of months, and I just got to the point and said, “Okay, enough talking about it. How about some actual action here?”
Dean Patino: Exactly. “Let’s pick a date.” I said, “Okay, I’m going to launch a business that’s going to do this, and I’m going to launch it on this date. Anybody else that wants to do whatever it is for their business and launch it on that date, why don’t we get together and do hangouts and such so we can talk about it so we can share some of the best practices of building the website and marketing it and all that other kind of stuff.” I led that first session, there was five of us all together, and we all launched on September 1st. This was in 2013. We all launched on that day, and then since then I started doing that more and more.
I saw that entrepreneurs, it’s one thing to have all that knowledge, and again, membership sites and Masterminds provide the knowledge and access to training videos and all that, but it’s another thing to have somebody actually lead them specifically about their business and what they’re doing. I led a number of different sessions within the Mastermind to launch a webinar, launch a brand-new product for the first time to generate revenue. I did a number of these, and that’s where John, as Entrepreneur on Fire was growing so much, turned to me and said, “Dean, why don’t you come in, let’s team together, and you run the Mastermind. I’m just going to give it to you to run because you’re already taking care of these folks.” That was the “aha” moment, that entrepreneurs needed guidance and help to get there and get over the finish line. We’re not talking about people that are new to this, we’re talking about veterans as well.
I’m happy to do it. I want to help as many people as I can, and do give back, because the inspiration is, really, behind what Zig Ziegler said, which has really resonated with me. Of course we lost Zig what, a couple years or so ago? That is, one of Zig’s famous lines is, “When you help enough other people get what they want, you can get anything you want.” It’s so true, I’ve seen that for sure.
Jon Dwoskin: I agree. I subscribe to that. Zig was incredible. Those people who don’t follow John Lee Dumas, I can speak for Scott. We would both highly recommend his podcast as well. Dean, I’ve learned a ton from you, I’m a client of yours, and I want everybody to know what you’re up to in the next couple of weeks, because I think it can really help them. Tell everybody as we come to an end what you’re going to be offering in the next couple weeks.
Dean Patino: Sure. Thanks, Jon for the opportunity, and Scott as well. Thank you guys. What I want to roll out, and it will be rolling out February 1st, I think is a really special thing. Of course, it has to have unique business value. Of course, and it does. It’s a Mastermind community, with training resources and such. It’s called Subscription Elite. The Mastermind that John Lee Dumas founded for Entrepreneur on Fire was called Fire Nation Elite. Really, again mirroring the same name, but instead of Fire Nation Elite it’s called Subscription Elite because I’m focused on helping entrepreneurs generate recurring revenue through subscriptions that they offer, be it goods or services.
Subscription Elite comes out February 1st. People can go to the website now and go check it out, subscriptionelite.com, because there’s a pre-launch offer that’s going on, but I’ve decided to go back and team up again with my good friend John Lee Dumas, who has just recently launched … Get this, if you’re not familiar with this, he’s recently launched something called the Freedom Journal. It’s a hardcover journal that John has put together, and he’s got digital forms as well. He decided to do a kickstarter campaign with it. The Freedom Journal allows you to follow along with it and in a hundred days you’ll accomplish your number one goal. He walks you through how to do that in this journal
I had John on the podcast every month, even though I don’t do an interview format, I do one a month. We’ve had Amy Porterfield, we’ve had Chris Luck who himself generated over twenty-five million dollars in recurring revenue. We’ve got Ryan Lee coming in, we have John Lee Dumas. When he was on, and again John has generated tremendous amount of recurring revenue, when he was talking about the Freedom Journal I thought, “Why don’t we do this, John? Why don’t I offer, when people come into Subscription Elite, anybody that comes into Subscription Elite, they’re going to get the Freedom Journal free. They’re going to get that.”
That Freedom Journal, again, leads them through how to accomplish their number one goal in a hundred days. I’m going to lead the session to help people do that. That doesn’t mean they have to meet with me for a hundred days in a row, but we’ll have checkpoints. Say maybe it’s every ten days or so. We’ll get together, and again I’m going to lead folks to help them accomplish their number one goal. Of course, I want them to be recurring revenue goals, because at the end of it my goal will be to help as many entrepreneurs as I can generate recurring revenue. It’s not just any goal, they call them Smart Goals within the Freedom Journal, so it’s going to be these Smart Goals that are going to be sustainable and measurable and attainable. Again, they have to be relevant as well.
These Smart Goals are what we’re going to define, and then I’ll lead everybody through it. Everybody that signs up for Subscription Elite will get the Freedom Journal, they’ll get led through this session with me. At the end of it, John Lee Dumas is going to come in, we’re going to do a workshop with John Lee Dumas about the recurring revenue goals. Everybody gets that, but then folks that sign up, there’s two levels of Subscription Elite. There’s the standard level and then the prime level.
Anybody that signs up for the prime level’s going to get put into a drawing, this is even … The first part of the offer’s exciting enough, because to accomplish that number one goal, but anybody that signs up for Subscription Elite Prime, you’ll get put into a drawing where you’ll have an opportunity to be John Lee Dumas’s guest on Entrepreneur on Fire, and he’s in front of millions of people. He has millions of listeners every single month. Your business will be featured and you’ll be the only entrepreneur on John’s show for one of these days coming up. You’ll have a chance to win that.
Within Subscription Elite, there’s a Mastermind, you get this as well. You get the Mastermind, you get all these training resources, you get access to all these articles and the tips. You’ll have also done for you services. You’ll have options to be able to purchase some additional ones, or some of them come with the prime level. A lot of great stuff to help entrepreneurs ultimately generate recurring revenue, subscriptionelite.com.
Scott Fishman: Dean, that’s great. Your enthusiasm is contagious when it comes to this. I’m super-excited. In closing, can you give our listeners just one final thought to leave them with? Leave them with some candy here?
Dean Patino: I would say definitely believe in yourself and take action. You have to do both. It can’t just be one or the other. You think about it, if you believe in yourself, you don’t take any action, there won’t be any results from it to accomplish whatever it is that you believe in, and if you take the action but you don’t believe in it, the action’s not going to be supported by the belief system so it’s going to fall short in the action. It just won’t be able to accomplish that. Put them together. Believe in yourself and surround yourself around people that believe in you. Surround yourself around those people, be it family, friends, Mastermind. Surround yourself around those like-minded people and take action to accomplish it. Have to take those steps.
One quick thing, it’s kind of like if you’re going to work out and it’s a really cold, crummy, rainy day and you woke up and you’re feeling tired. You know you need to go work out and you’re like, “I really don’t want to. Maybe I can just skip it. It’s just one day,” but then somehow, some way you go anyway. When you’re in there working out you’re like, “You know, I am glad I did that.” Especially when you’re walking out of the club, the gym, you’re like, “Now I’m really glad I did it, even though it’s a crummy day.” You just feel so much better. Taking that action just finishes things off. Those are the two things I’d leave folks with: Belief and the action.
Scott Fishman: Thank you for that, absolutely.
Jon Dwoskin: Dean, thanks. Every word you said was, I think, very impactful and is going to drive people to action. I know it’s driving me to action. Thank you for taking the time and sharing your wisdom, and all of the great things that you’re offering to hopefully many, many people who are listening to this. Those of you who are listening, share this with your friends, because Dean is a guru of recurring revenue. He’s highly talented, and you have everything to win. Thank you Dean, so much.
Dean Patino: Thanks, Jon and Scott, it’s a big pleasure here. I wish everybody to go out and go get those automatic paydays known as recurring revenue.
Scott Fishman: Thanks a lot. Have a great day.
Dean Patino: Thanks, you guys, too.
Jon Dwoskin: Thanks, Dean.
Scott Fishman: Thank you for listening to this episode of The Seven Minute Sales Minute. For show notes and worksheets pertaining to this week’s show, check us out at thesevenminutesalesminute.com. Take today’s strategies and run with them. Increase your sales and increase your income.